Title text states 'USING QUALITATIVE & MIXED METHODS DESIGNS.' A brown goggles graphic labeled 'Program Evaluation Design' features centrally. Below, text reads: 'Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University SOWK 460w Spring 2025.'
Slide presents an agenda. Bullet points cover 'Basics of program design methodologies,' 'Examples of qualitative research,' and 'Planning the design of and the tasks completion of your evaluation.' Footer includes the name Jacob Campbell and SOWK 460w Spring 2025.
Text slide titled 'Why Qualitative Design Methods' lists five benefits: framing topics, exploring depth, gaining specifics, needing research expertise, and uncovering foundational ideas. Authored by Jacob Campbell at Heritage University.
The slide features a tangled string, symbolizing complexity, with text discussing qualitative design methods. Key points mention clinical practice connection, intersectionality, and emergent ideas. It includes references and course information.
Diagram showing three qualitative research methods: participant observation, in-depth interview, and focus group. Each method is illustrated with icons and brief descriptions. Title reads 'Three Key Qualitative Methods.'
A person stands on stage speaking, holding a clicker. The slide reads: 'The Power of Vulnerability: An Example of Interviews and Grounded Theory.' Additional text includes 'Brené Brown' and a TED talk link.
The image is a slide titled 'Overview of Study Phases,' outlining three main phases: Orientation, Entry Interviews, and Six Co-Designed Sessions. It lists roles like '6 Co-Researchers' and activities such as 'Group Book Study' and 'Self-Care Activity.'
A slide displays two sections: 'Learning Strategies' and 'Themes,' listing concepts for developing trauma-informed professional learning communities. Notable text includes 'COMPONENTS IN BUILDING A TRAUMA-INFORMED PLC' and 'Campbell, 2023.'
A chart titled 'ABC Notes' lists observations of a 9th-grade student named Harold, detailing activities, behaviors, and consequences during specific dates/times. Categories include Language Arts, PE, and Math. Printed text includes 'Example of ABC Data,' and 'SOWK 460w Spring 2025.'
Speech bubbles interact, with 'WHAT IS YOUR PROJECT' text in one. Context shows presentation slide details: Jacob Campbell, Ph.D., LICSW at Heritage University, SOWK 460w Spring 2025.
Table titled 'Program Evaluation Work Plan' organizes a work plan for evaluation design and data collection, with columns for component, indicator, source, success, task, responsible person, and deadline.
Slide with text lists four components: 'Evaluative aspects,' 'Logic model development,' 'Executive summary components,' and 'Final presentation.' Bottom text mentions Jacob Campbell, Ph.D., Heritage University, and 'SOWK 460w Spring 2025.'
Slide outlines program evaluation indicators. Features three sections: Input Indicators (measure contributions), Process Indicators (measure activities/outputs), Outcome Indicators (measure program success). Provides detailed explanations for each. Footer credits Jacob Campbell, Ph.D., LICSW at Heritage University.
A presentation slide features a QR code on a brown background. Text reads, 'CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF HIGH-PERFORMING INDICATORS' and provides a link and academic attribution to Jacob Campbell, Ph.D.
The image is a slide titled 'PROGRAM EVALUATION WORK PLAN.' It features a table for planning, divided into columns: Component, Indicator, Source, Success, Task, Person Responsible, and Deadline. Text describes data and evaluation.
Text slide instructing to post a group work plan in the forum; includes requirements: evaluation location, overview, group member names, and description. Attributed to Jacob Campbell, Heritage University, for SOWK 460w Spring 2025.
Rubric table evaluates program work plans on completeness, clarity, fairness, and feasibility. Each criterion includes descriptions under 'Highly Developed.' Title: 'RUBRIC FOR PROGRAM EVALUATION WORK PLAN.' Footer notes author and course details.