Slide with a brick wall graphic displays text: 'Building the Foundation of a Program Evaluation: Research Questions and Program Definitions.' Additional text: 'Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University, Spring 2025, SOWK 460w Week 07.'
Slide titled 'Agenda' lists four points: 'Developing a research question,' 'Presentation planning,' 'Developing a program description,' and 'Midterm feedback.' Context includes Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University, Spring 2023 SOWK 460w.
The image is a presentation slide listing elements for process evaluations: Context, Recruitment, Reach, Dose Delivered, Dose Received, Fidelity, and Implementation. It includes academic attribution and course details.
Slide displays text: 'RESEARCH QUESTION' and 'What do you want to know?' on a green background. Footer includes 'Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University' and 'Spring 2025 SOWK 460w.”
Flowchart outlines 'First Five Steps in a Program Evaluation' with numbered steps: 1. Identify Evaluation Question, 2. Conceptualize Question, 3. Operationalize Question, 4. Pick and Define Method, 5. Select Sample. Text emphasizes overarching questions and goals. Includes source and course details.
Slide titled 'Developing a Research Question.' It lists steps: identify topic, context, goals, question nature, and potential relationships. Includes example prompts for each step. Footer: 'Jacob Campbell, Ph.D LICSW at Heritage University.”
The image shows three slides from a presentation on addressing increased viewing of pornography among students. Each slide is numbered (1-3) and includes sample research questions related to the topic. A large footprint with the number '2' emphasizes progressive steps in the process. Text at bottom: “Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University,” mentions course and citation details.
Slide titled 'Developing a Research Question' includes sections for 'Potential Question 1' and 'Potential Question 2' with prompts: Topic, Context, Goal, Nature of Question, Relationships, Question. Step 2 highlighted.
Slide displays the text 'Developing a Research Question: Developing Your Question.' It prompts, 'Draft a question...' in a green box. Labeled 'Step 3,' with author attribution to Jacob Campbell at Heritage University.
Slide titled 'Developing a Research Question' lists steps to refine questions: 1. Identify ambiguous terms. 2. Clarify them. 3. Redraft for clarity. Context includes academic credits and course info.
A projector icon is centered on a slide with text about 'Presentation Planning' for May 5th, 2025. Text includes questions: 'Who do we invite,' 'What do we call it,' 'Do we have food.' Additional details: Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University, Spring 2025 SOWK 460v.
A presentation slide features instructions for group activities. A cursor points to 'Interactive logic model puzzles.' Options include 'Seniors fall prevention,' 'Youth smoking cessation,' 'Teen parenting,' 'Community crime prevention.' At the bottom, it reads 'Evaluation Resources,' with a URL and course details.
A diagram of interconnected colored boxes is on a presentation slide titled 'Using Logic Models to Identify Key Information Needs.' The bottom text mentions Jacob Campbell at Heritage University, Spring 2025 SOWK 460w.
**Object:** Slide text**Action:** Explains process and outcomes**Context:** Presentation on using logic models to identify key information needs.Text includes: 'Using Logic Models to Identify Key Information Needs,' 'Process: A process is the implementation of a key program component,' and 'Outcomes: Outcomes are results that occur that are directly linked to program processes.”
Chart titled 'Residential Treatment Program' with five columns: 'Resources/Inputs' lists funding, staff, clients, facilities; 'Activities' includes group and family therapy, residential care; 'Outputs' shows therapy sessions; 'Outcomes' targets youth participation; 'Impact' notes family productivity.
The slide displays a table with 'Residential Treatment Program' at the top. It lists 'Weekly group therapy sessions' and 'Weekly family therapy sessions' under 'Program Component' with '# of sessions' as indicators. Additional text includes 'Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University' and 'Spring 2023 SOWK 460w.'
The image shows a slide titled 'Residential Treatment Program.' A table lists 'Program Component' and 'Indicator' with rows detailing therapy sessions and youth participation metrics. Footer credits Jacob Campbell from Heritage University, Spring 2023 SOWK 460w.
Slide displays text discussing logic models for identifying key information needs. It poses the question, 'What information do you need to evaluate the processes and outcomes of the program effectively?' Presented by Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. at Heritage University, Spring 2023 SOWK 460w.
A presentation slide titled 'Writing About Your Description of the Program' includes several guiding questions: Need, Context, Population Addressed, Stage of Development, Resources, Activities, Outputs, Outcomes, and Impact. Jacob Campbell, Ph.D., Heritage University, Spring 2023 SWOK 460w.
A QR code and clipboard illustration sit side-by-side on a green background. Text encourages completing midterm feedback: 'Complete Your Midterm Feedback. Please Share Your Thoughts.' Instructor and course details are included below.