Location: CBC Campus -  SWL 108 Time: Wednesdays from 5:30-8:15 Week 07: 02/26/20 Topic and Content Area: Group Work Approaches Related to Setting I Reading Assignment: Garvin et al. (2017) Chapters 13-16 Assignments Due: N/A Other Important Information: N/A
Spatial Requirements: Classroom with moderate space required Activity Type: Movement/group Grades: 3-12 Group Size: 10 or more Time: 30 minutes Introduction: Individuals involved in self-defeating behaviors do not understand the impact they have on themselves, their family, their co-workers, their school, and on society. Self-defeating behaviors are easy, but doors will open to the person who takes the harder but worth it track and strives to achieve ambitions, dreams, and goals. Opportunity, freedom, and self-respect will follow. This activity demonstrates that what is not always easy is worth it in the long run. Materials:  30 3x5 cards with the same number on both sides (from 1 to 30) Masking tape Timer/stop watch Whiteboard and markers Permanent marker  Activity: To prepare for this activity, set up a rectangular shape (12' by 24') on the floor with the masking tape.  Place the numbered 3x5 cards on the floor in random order with the even numbers placed on one half of the rectangle, and the odd numbers placed on the other half (as shown in the chart on the following page). Set this up in an area where the group cannot see it until they start the activity. Make a start/finish line 20 feet away from the rectangle with masking tape. Explain the activity in another room by drawing the rectangle with a few numbers inside on the whiteboard as an example. Do not tell them that there are 30 numbers. Tell the following story to set the stage for the activity: Your group has been selected to compete for a contract to build a railroad to connect the tip of South America to Alaska. The people awarding the contract have come up with an activity to test your ability to work under pressure, meet deadlines, work as a team, and solve problems. Each member of the group needs to touch the numbered cardstock (the cardstock represents railroad ties) in numerical order (1 through 30). One player runs in and touches the # 1 and comes back out. The second player runs in and touches # 2 and comes back out, etc. Each member of the group needs to touch at least one of the numbers. There can only be one group member inside the rectangle at a time. A 10-second penalty will be added for: a number touched out of order, two people in the rectangle at the same time, or a person in the group not touching a number. In order for the group to get the contract, they need to do the activity in less than one minute and 25 seconds. They have four attempts to get the contract. Give the group three to five minutes to plan the activity without you in the room. After the planning is over, bring the group to the starting line and ask if there are any final questions. Start the group and start the timer. Notes to the facilitator: As the group is going through the activity, keep track of penalties. Stop the timer when the last person in the group is over the starting/ending line. Give the group their time and penalties, and allow three to four minutes to process. Start the processing by asking the group what they learned and what they can do better. Continue for three more attempts. After the fourth attempt, or when they get under the 1:25, process the activity. Processing the Experience:  What were some of the challenges of the task? Did you make the same mistake more than once? What was it? What mistakes did you correct in the activity? What type of teamwork was displayed in the activity? By accomplishing your goal, what kind of opportunities were opened up for your group? What consequences came as a result of penalties? What would have happened if a member of the group said,
 The reading discussed three different settings that group work can be done in. These are:   Groups in physical and mental health Involuntary groups Strengths-based group work with adolescents   Today I want to spend time discussing some points out of each of them along with our activity.
 Getzel (2012) describes four variables that should be considered in who should be placed in groups in a health care setting and intervened in during the group cycle.    Uncertain Conditions: Frequently at begging phase, but can occur whenever. Role to encourage explorations of group conflicts as problems for the members to solve together  Crisis Situations: Crisis happens  we can't take an
 Many groups that are led are working with clients who are in some way being forced to attend (courts, parents, probation, school, etc.)   Some interventions that are frequently employed are:    Reactance Theory: People are free to do any behavior.  When people feel not free, they have more resistance. When people feel free more willing to participate. Role to offer choices, clarifying mandated portions… etc.    —> Doing these in a minute   Stages of Change Model:  Motivational Interviewing:  Stages of group change for involuntary clients: suggestions of what to do regarding the beginning, middle, and end.
 Because motivational interviewing is so key in working with involuntary groups, I want to talk about the stages of change with you.
 Motivational Interviewing looks at change in stages.   Pre-contemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance Relapse
 MI is more than the use of a set of technical interventions. It is characterized by a particular
 The book discusses how to deal with discrepancy. Developing discrepancy is one of the four guiding principles in Motivational Interviewing. Building on and bringing to life the elements of the MI
 Expressing empathy involves seeing the world through the client's eyes, thinking about things as the client thinks about them, feeling things as the client feels them, and sharing in the client's experiences   This approach provides the basis for clients to be heard and understood  Permits clients to be more likely to honestly share their experiences in depth. The process of expressing empathy relies on the client's experiencing the counselor as able to see the world as they (the client) sees it.
 Supporting self-efficacy in motivational interviewing  is the counselor focusing on previous successes and highlighting skills and strengths.   MI is a strengths-based approach that believes that clients have within themselves the capabilities to change successfully. A client's belief that change is possible (self-efficacy) is needed to instill hope about making those difficult changes. Clients often have previously tried and been unable to achieve or maintain the desired change, creating doubt about their ability to succeed.
 Rolling with resistance disrupts any
 Developing discrepancy guiding client to understand the mismatch between where the client wants to be and where they are.   Motivation for change occurs when people perceive a mismatch between
 While ART's moral reasoning day is different than a truly sophistry method discussed as a method for examining faculty beliefs, it fits in very well with working with involuntary clients.  [Whole Class Activity] 10 volunteers (participants) 1 volunteer co-facilitator others observers. Facilitate moral reasoning day as listed below. Students do not need to necessarily take on a part, but answer honestly or they can act as a persona.  Review Rules for Discussion (See page 111 of Aggression Replacement Training, Revised Edition) Introduce/Review Thinking Errors. (See pgs. 98 & 99) Have a group member read the Problem Situation aloud. Establish the
 The following are some techniques that are frequently used with involuntary clients.   Emphasizing choices already made (baby steps) Emphasize choice Limited, clear requirements Clarifying roles Avoid emphasis on blaming Positive future focus Clarifying non-negotiable requirements Clarifying rights and limitations Rewarding acknowledging responsibility
  Principal 1: Form groups based on member felt needs and wants, not diagnoses  Felt needs are individual wants, desires and areas of concerns both for the group and the individual    Principal 2: Structure groups to welcome the whole person, not just the troubled parts  Think ACES research and managing persons who have been through trauma    Principal 3: Integrate verbal and nonverbal activities  Allow creativity and movement Loved statement