A presentation slide shows a flip chart displaying 'Understanding Social Work Groups.' A speech bubble states: 'Heritage University, Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW, Spring 2025 SOWK 487 Theories of Practice II.'
A colorful world map displays various animals positioned on continents. A text box reads, “If you were to describe your day today as an animal, what animal would you it be today and why?”
An image of a presentation slide features a 'Fight Club' poster with two men. Text: 'SOCIAL WORK & GROUPS: What are groups used for in social work practice?' Includes 'Heritage University' and Spring 2025 course details.
Slide with the title 'Agenda' lists: Overview of working with groups, Practice with a development group, Group dynamics and roles, Working in a circle activity. Context: a presentation, Heritage University, Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW, Spring 2025, SOWK 487w.
The slide features text stating: 'WORKING WITH GROUPS,' 'Groups?' and defines a group as 'a collection of people with shared interests who come together to pursue a goal.' Additional text includes 'Heritage University,' 'Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW,' 'Spring 2025,' and 'SOWK 487w.'
A presentation slide features a quote from Albert Einstein about cooperation, highlighting group benefits: mutual assistance, social connections, behavioral testing, goal achievement, and decision making. Context includes course and university details.
Text-based slide listing 'Types of Groups' with focus on 'Treatment Groups.' It includes support, educational, growth, therapy, and socialization groups. Context includes presentation details for a Spring 2025 course.
The slide titled 'Types of Groups' illustrates two categories: Treatment Groups and Self-Help Groups. Treatment Groups include Support, Educational, Growth, Therapy, and Socialization groups. Self-Help Groups feature 12 Step, Support, and Online Self-Help Groups. Context: academic presentation by Jacob Campbell, Ph.D., Heritage University, Spring 2025.
Slide presents 'Types of Groups' with two sections: Treatment Groups and Task Groups. Treatment includes support, educational, growth, therapy, and socialization groups. Task involves community, organization, and client. Citation: Hepworth et al., 2022. Affiliated with Heritage University, Jacob Campbell, Ph.D., Spring 2025, SOWK 487w.
The slide shows two columns listing 'Types of Groups': Treatment Groups (support, educational, growth, therapy, socialization) and Task Groups (board of directors, task forces, committees, commissions). Credit: Jacob Campbell, Ph.D., LICSW; Source: Hepworth et al., 2022; Course: Spring 2025, SOWK 487w, Heritage University.
Silhouettes of people are seated in a discussion setting. Surrounding text includes 'GROUP DEMO,' 'Jacob’s Group Format,' and points like 'Review the rules' and 'Fun engaging activity.' The slide is part of a presentation by Jacob Campbell, Ph.D., LICSW. Spring 2025, SOWK 487w.
Slide features a table listing characteristics of Treatment, Self-Help, and Task Groups. It includes factors like facilitator, self-disclosure, and confidentiality. Source: Heritage University, Spring 2025, SOWK 487w.
Table on presentation slide compares characteristics of treatment, self-help, and task groups. It covers group formation reasons and facilitator roles. Text attributes content to Heritage University, Jacob Campbell, and references a 2017 source.
A slide titled 'Characteristics of Treatment, Self-Help, and Task Groups' features a table comparing group characteristics: roles and communication patterns. Includes academic references and course details from Heritage University.
Table compares 'Characteristics of Treatment, Self-Help, and Task Groups.' Rows cover 'Procedures' and 'Group member composition.' Columns list 'Treatment Group,' 'Self-Help Group,' and 'Task Group' details. Title and credits at the bottom.
A chart compares group characteristics of treatment, self-help, and task groups. Self-disclosure is high for treatment and self-help, low for task groups. Confidentiality is mostly private, varying for task groups. Text in image: 'CHARACTERISTICS OF Treatment, Self-Help, and Task GroupsGroup Characteristic | Treatment Group | Self-Help Group | Task GroupSelf-disclosure: Expected to be high | Expected to be high | Expected to be lowConfidentiality: Group content is generally private and kept within the group | Group content is generally private and kept within the group | Group proceedings may be private but can be open to the publicHeritage University Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW(Toseland & Rivas, 2017, as cited in Hepworth et al., 2022)Spring 2025 SOWK 487w'
Chart comparing evaluation of success in different group types. Columns list characteristics for Treatment, Self-Help, and Task Groups regarding treatment goals, group survival, and task accomplishment. Includes references and course information.
Title: 'Professional Roles in Groups.” Five colored boxes labeled 'Group,' 'Broker,' 'Mediator,' 'Educator,' 'Facilitator,' and 'Multiple Roles' highlight different roles. Presentation credit: Heritage University, Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW.
The slide presents 'Group Functions & Roles' with sections on 'Potentially Positive Roles' and 'Task/Maintenance Functions.' Roles listed include Information seeker, Elaborator, and Harmonizer. It mentions Heritage University, Jacob Campbell, Ph.D., Spring 2025, SOWK 487w, and references Kirst-Ashman & Hull, 2015.
Title text reads 'Negative and Nonfunctional Roles.' Two columns list roles: 'Potentially Negative Roles' include Aggressor, Blocker, and others; 'Nonfunctional Roles' include Scapegoat, Defensive member, and others. Context mentions Heritage University, Spring 2025, SOWK 487w.
A presentation slide contrasts 'Constructive Group Behavior' and 'Problematic Group Behavior.' It includes a table detailing behaviors for each category. The slide is titled 'GROUP BEHAVIOR,' with attribution to Jacob Campbell, Ph.D., LICSW, and references Hepworth et al., 2022, Spring 2025, SOWK 487w.
A presentation slide contrasting 'Constructive Group Behavior' and 'Problematic Group Behavior.' Descriptions focus on communication styles and emotional support. Text includes academic references and course details: 'Heritage University,' 'Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW,' 'Spring 2025,' 'SOWK 487w.'
A slide titled 'ASSESSING INDIVIDUALS' PATTERNED BEHAVIORS' features a sequence: a yellow square labeled 'Content,' a red arrow marked 'Process,' and a circular diagram titled 'Thematic Behaviors.' Additionally, it credits Hepworth et al., 2022, with affiliations to Heritage University and Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW. The course is 'Spring 2025, SOWK 487w.'
The slide features a diagram illustrating 'Group Dynamics and Composition.' It shows terms like 'Climate,' 'Norms,' 'Values,' 'Power,' and 'Group Culture.' Text includes 'Group Size Composition — Age, Gender, Homogeneity.' Bottom text states 'Heritage University, Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW,' and 'Spring 2025, SOWK 487w.'
The image features nine labeled rectangles around the central text 'DECISION MAKING PATTERNS.' Labels include 'Persuasion by Minority,' 'Parliamentary procedure,' 'Brainstorming,' and others. It's from a Heritage University presentation.
The image features a two-axis graph with labeled arrows, illustrating 'Critical Thinking' and 'Heterogeneity.' Text includes 'CRITICAL THINKING AND GROUPS,' 'Heritage University,' and 'Spring 2025 SOWK 487w.'
**Object:** Presentation slide  **Action:** Lists practices  **Context:** Restorative Justice Model, Heritage University**Text:**- **Circle Group: Following a Restorative Justice Model**  - **Respect the talking piece:** everyone listens, everyone has a turn  - **Speak from the heart:** your truth, your perspectives, your experiences  - **Listen from the heart:** Let go of stories that make it hard to hear each other  - **Trust that you know what to say:** no need to rehearse  - **Say just enough:** without feeling rushed, be concise and considerate of the time of others- Understanding Social Work Groups - Heritage University- Jacob Campbell, Ph.D, LICSW- (Clifford, 2013)- Spring 2025- SOWK 487w
The slide features a circular diagram with arrows and three questions about college challenges, study habits, and advice. Title: “STUDYING AND COLLEGE LIFE.” Context includes Heritage University and course details.