AGENDA OUR TENTATIVE PL AN FOR WEEK FIVE • Check-in about learning so far • Teaching empathy to clients • Following skills • Practice implementing following skills • Authentic responding and praise • Sharing following skills Fall 2023 SOWK 486w Communication Skills Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University
WHAT WE HAVE BEEN LEARNING C HEC KING IN Working in Circles Respect the talking piece Speak from the heart Listen from the heart Trust that you know what to say Say just enough (Clifford, n.d.) Fall 2023 SOWK 486w • What are some things that you feel like you can take away from this class so far? • What are ways that you are implementing or incorporating things you have been learning in any of your classes into your life? • What do you need to be a better social worker as you progress through your education? Communication Skills Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University
􀠎 OBSERVATION YOUR CONVERSATIONS THIS WEEK A. As you interact with others and observe others’ interactions during the week, notice how frequently infrequently people send empathic messages. Also, observe the types of messages that are sent and how these messages influence the course of conversations. B. As you interact with your spouse, parents, children, friends, and fellow students, practice listening carefully and responding with empathic messages when appropriate. Be alert to how empathic messages influence interactions and to the feeling tones that these responses create. Fall 2023 SOWK 486w Communication Skills Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University
PRACTICE WITH EMPATHIC COMMUNICATION • Single woman, age 80 [to social worker concerning her request to move to an independent living complex provided for ambulatory older persons]: • Goodness, the more I think of moving, the more scared I get. I have neighbors here who look after me, and I won’t know a soul there. I’m afraid I’ll be all alone. Fall 2023 SOWK 486w Communication Skills Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University
PRACTICE WITH EMPATHIC COMMUNICATION • Male, age 16 [in weekly visit to social work probation officer]: • I don’t see the sense in having to come here every (expletive) week. I haven’t been in any trouble now since I went to court a month ago. You should know by now you can trust me.” Fall 2023 SOWK 486w Communication Skills Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University
TEACHING EMPATHY HOW TO SHARE WITH CLIENTS • Teach clients the paradigm for empathic responding. • Introduce clients to the list of affective words and phrases and to the Leads for Empathic Responses list. • Intervene in sessions when clients ignore or fail to validate messages. • Give positive feedback when clients listen to each other. Fall 2023 SOWK 486w Communication Skills Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University
Work in teams of three or four to design a planned intervention for teaching empathy. What population would you work with, how would you teach them empathy, what would some of the sessions look like? You will have about 15 minutes to come up with ideas, and then you will share back with the group.
FOLLOWING SKILLS IN S E S N A ESPO R M N O I T C & REFLE G O SP E N I N U ID - E N D E D VM RESP ONS M O E R S A P SEEKING R I CONCRETENESS Z IN G A T IN IN G FURTHERING RESPONSES O L C SE Fall 2023 SOWK 486w D EN D E D R S E O P N S S E • Nonverbal minimal prompts • Verbal minimal prompts • Accent responses Communication Skills (Hepworth et al. 2022) Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University
FOLLOWING SKILLS & M A IN A T IN IN G S E S N O P G S E R O SP E N I N I N G ERN D D E UT H I E D R M V RESP FU O M ONS E R S A P SEEKING R I CONCRETENESS Z IN G REFLECTION RESPONSES O L C S Fall 2023 SOWK 486w D E N E - D E D R S E REFLECTION OF CONTENT O P N S S E emphasize the cognitive aspects of client messages, such as situations, ideas, objects, or persons • Simple reflections • Complex reflections • Reframing Communication Skills REFLECTION OF AFFECT In reflections of affect, social workers relate with responses that accurately capture clients’ affect and help them reflect on and sort through their feelings (Hepworth et al. 2022) Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University
FOLLOWING SKILLS IN S E S N A ESPO R M N O I T C S E L E F E & S R N O P G S E O SP E N I N I N G R ERN D D E UT H I E D R M V RESP FU O M ONS E R S A P SEEKING R I CONCRETENESS Z IN G A T IN IN G CLOSED-ENDED RESPONSES Fall 2023 SOWK 486w Define a topic and restrict the client’s response to a few words or a simple yes or no answer. Communication Skills (Hepworth et al. 2022) Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University
FOLLOWING SKILLS IN S E S N A ESPO R M N O I T C S E L E F E & S R N O P G S E R N S U DEI R I N G I H T R M V U F O M R A P SEEKING R I CONCRETENESS Z IN G A T IN IN G OPEN-ENDED RESPONSES O L C S Fall 2023 SOWK 486w D E N E - D E D R S E O P N S S E Invite expanded expression and leave the client free to express what seems most relevant and important. Communication Skills (Hepworth et al. 2022) Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University
FOLLOWING SKILLS S E S N O P S E R N O I T C S E L E F E S R N O P S E O SP E N I N G R UT H E- ERN D E D R M RESP U F ONS M ES A SEEKING R I CONCRETENESS Z IN G PROVIDING & MAINTAINING FOCUS O L C S Fall 2023 SOWK 486w D E N E - D E D R S E O P N S S E  Selecting topics for exploration 2. Exploring topics in depth 3. Managing obstacles to focusing Communication Skills (Hepworth et al. 2022) Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University
FOLLOWING SKILLS IN S E S N A ESPO R M N O I T C S E L E F E & S R N O P G S E O SP E N I N I N G R ERN D D E UT H I E D R M V RESP FU O M ONS E R S A P RI Z IN G A T IN IN G SEEKING CONCRETENESS O L C S Fall 2023 SOWK 486w D E N E - D E D R S E O P N S Checking out Perceptions S E Clarifying the Meaning of Vague or Unfamiliar Terms Exploring the Basis of Conclusions Drawn by Clients Assisting Clients in Personalizing Their Statements Communication Skills (Hepworth et al. 2022) Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University
FOLLOWING SKILLS IN S E S N A ESPO R M N O I T C S E L E F E & S R N O P G S E O SP E N I N I N G R ERN D D E UT H I E D R M V RESP FU O M ONS E R S A P RI Z IN G A T IN IN G SEEKING CONCRETENESS O L C S Fall 2023 SOWK 486w D E N E - D E D R S E O P N S Eliciting Specific Feelings S E Focusing on the Here and Now Eliciting Details Related to Clients’ Experiences Eliciting Details Related to Interactional Behavior Communication Skills (Hepworth et al. 2022) Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University
FOLLOWING SKILLS IN S E S N A ESPO R M N O I T C S E L E F E & S R N O P G S E O P E NIN I N G R R E D N E D I H E T D R V RESP FU O ONS E R S P SEEKING CONCRETENESS A T IN IN G SUMMARIZING O L C D E S Fall 2023 SOWK 486w N E - D ED E R O P S N S E S  Highlighting key aspects 2. Making connections 3. Reviewing major focal points 4. Recapitulating highlights and progress Communication Skills (Hepworth et al. 2022) Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University
FOLLOWING SKILLS & INITIAL INTERVIEW Activity Explores what brings client in for contact ✓ Explains client rights Comments BEFORE Brainstorm what potential information would you want to know about for this scenario or what are some common experiences for people in this situation Brie y explains agency function Paraphrases DEBRIEF AFTER Uses minimal prompts Uses accent Uses open-ended response • How did it feel as the interviewer to use the techniques? • How did it feel as the interviewee? • What did the observer notice? Share feedback from form INTERVIEWER Uses closed-ended response Focuses Seeks concreteness OBSERVER Summarizes INTERVIEWEE fl Fall 2023 SOWK 486w Communication Skills Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University
You are a BASW student and have been referred to meet with your field practicum placement adviser to help determine what practicum placement you will be going into next year. Fall 2023 SOWK 486w DEMONSTRATION Communication Skills Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University
ROLE PLAY SESSION 1 You are a freshman college student. You went to a student health clinic because you were having difficulty sleeping and were experiencing anxiety. They have referred you to the counseling clinic for an assessment. You are anxious about this referral, wondering if it means that you are going crazy. You are homesick and miss the people back home. You sometimes wonder if you are ready for this. You have begun to drink with people in the dorm; it makes you feel less lonely. Fall 2023 SOWK 486w Communication Skills INTERVIEWER OBSERVER INTERVIEWEE Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University
ROLE PLAY SESSION 2 Estrella (or Erik) was referred to a social worker at the battered women’s shelter by a friend. The friend urged her to come to get help because the friend felt that Estrella was being abused by her husband. Estrella feels conflicted because she acknowledges that there is some violence, but feels that marriage is sacred, that she should be loyal, and that things will just work out. Fall 2023 SOWK 486w Communication Skills INTERVIEWER OBSERVER INTERVIEWEE Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University
ROLE PLAY SESSION 3 You have been homeless for the last few months after a relationship ended. You have been couch surfing and staying with various friends. You are seeing a therapist and they referred you to case manager to help find options around housing and to practice working on some coping skills. Fall 2023 SOWK 486w Communication Skills INTERVIEWER OBSERVER INTERVIEWEE Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University
CUES FOR AUTHENTIC RESPONDING CLIENTS REQUEST FOR SELF-DISCLOSURE Request for personal information Request for social worker’s opinions, views and feelings (Hepworth, et al. 2022) Fall 2023 SOWK 486w SOCIAL WORKERS DECISION TO SHARE PERCEPTIONS AND REACTIONS THEY BELIEVE WILL BE HELPFUL Requests for social worker’s opinions, views, and feelings Disclosing personal past experiences Providing Feedback Experiencing discomfort in session Shareing feelings of frustration, anger, and hurt Responding to positive feedback Giving positive feedback Saying no and setting limits Communication Skills Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University
OPPORTUNITY FOR PRAISE POPCORN POSITIVES Fall 2023 SOWK 486w Communication Skills Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University