Slide features text 'Quality Assurance Designs' and 'Understanding an Agency Through a Logic Model' alongside a diagram of connected squares. It's for 'Spring 2025 SOWK 460w Week 06' by Jacob Campbell.
Slide with agenda text outlines Week 06 plan. Topics include quality assurance design strategies, survey question development, developing a quality assurance design study, and logic models. Instructor: Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. Spring 2025 SOWK 460w.
A presentation slide outlines elements evaluated in Quality Assurance Design. Categories include Client Satisfaction, Provider Competence, Service Effectiveness, Relevance of Services, and Service Reliability. Important aspects involve service acceptability, counselor competence, outcome effectiveness, and cost. - Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LCSW at Heritage University- (Royse, 2023)- Spring 2025 SOWK 460w
Icons represent data collection methods: personal interviews, telephone surveys, mailed surveys, electronic surveys, focus groups, and a faces scale. Text includes 'Collection Strategies' and attribution details for Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. at Heritage University.
A parent questionnaire from the Bridges Program is shown, focusing on school connection, behavior support, legal and childcare concerns, community resources, and guardian support. It includes sections for additional comments.
A structured table explains survey question pitfalls, including 'Doublebarreled questions,' 'Leading Questions,' 'Inadequate Response Options,' and 'Negative Items,' each with descriptions, examples, and revisions. Text emphasizes refining questions for clarity.Important text:- **Doublebarreled questions**  - *Description:* Double-barreled items ask multiple things in one question but only allow for a single answer.  - *Example:* 'How satisfied are you with the caseworker’s support and the timeliness of services provided?'  - *Revision:* 'How satisfied are you with the support provided by your caseworker? And how satisfied are you with the timeliness of services provided?'- **Leading Questions**  - *Description:* Leading items introduce bias and can influence responses. Ensure earlier questions do not affect later answers.  - *Example:* 'How helpful was our highly trained and compassionate staff in addressing your needs?'  - *Revision:* 'How would you rate the staff’s ability to address your needs?'- **Inadequate Response Options**  - *Description:* An inadequate range of response options may force inaccurate answers or cause respondent frustration and dropout.  - *Example:* 'How many years have you been a client? [ ] 1 year [ ] More than 10 years'  - *Revision:* 'How many years have you been a client? [ ] Less than 1 year [ ] 2-3 years [ ] 4-7 years
The slide titled 'Developing Survey Questions' contrasts closed-ended with open-ended question types, listing ordered and unordered choices, with considerations like wording clarity and response adequacy. Credits include Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. at Heritage University, Spring 2025 SOWK 460w.
Slide titled 'Developing a Quality Assurance Survey for Heritage BASW Program' outlines three steps for creating a survey, featuring a QR code and attributed to Jacob Campbell, Ph.D., LCSW at Heritage University.
Diagram depicts a hierarchy of boxes linked by lines, illustrating a logic model. Text explains the model's purpose in displaying outcomes linked with program activities. Presented by Jacob Campbell, Ph.D., Heritage University.
Slide details the purpose and benefits of logic models. Bulleted points emphasize stakeholder engagement, synthesis of views, integrated model development, and public scrutiny. It serves management, evaluation, promotion, and grant proposals.
Slide displays a list of questions with the heading 'Potential Interview Questions.' Topics include program organization, objectives, accomplishments, resources, information usage, program performance, measures, challenges, and future factors. Footer cites Jacob Campbell, Ph.D., Heritage University, and course details.
Table labeled 'Logic Model for A Program,' describes columns: Resources, Staff Activities, Program Processes, Immediate Outcomes, Intermediate Outcomes, and Long-range Outcomes. Includes definitions for each term. ℹ️ Heritage University; Kapp & Anderson, 2010.
A table details cardiovascular health needs, resources, activities, outputs, and outcomes. Categories include sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating practices, linked to activities like pop-up screenings and awareness events, showing impacts on community health.Text: 'Cardiovascular Health, Senior Citizen Center, civic organizations, pop-up blood pressure screenings, 300 persons screened in year 1, etc.' Authorship: 'Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LCSW at Heritage University.'
A flowchart titled 'Family Assessment Response Pathway' includes columns: Service/Activity, Outputs, Short-term Outcomes, Intermediate Outcomes, Long-term Outcomes. It outlines family support processes and goals, from intake to safety improvements. (Source: State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services, 2013)
A logic model diagram illustrates a program's flow from inputs to outcomes. It includes sections for inputs, outputs, and impacts, detailing various aspects like staff, activities, and long-term objectives.
The image displays the 'Pasco Discovery Coalition Logic Model.' Sections labeled 'Long-Term Consequences' to 'Evaluation Plan' outline problem areas, contributing factors, strategies, and assessments. It includes boxed text with specific issues, factors, and actions.
Classroom with empty desks and chairs, bookshelves filled with educational materials. Text: 'Practice: Developing a Logic Model. Ask questions about the Children's Day Program to work in small groups to create an example of a logic model.'
Multiple hands with blue wristbands reach towards the center of the image in a display of unity. Text on the right side includes:'Make a Plan for Developing Your Logic Model- Who are the stakeholders for your agency- What would be some of your questions- What would the categories look likeJacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage UniversitySpring 2025 SOWK 460w'