Text headline: 'Facilitating Social Work Groups.' Subheading: 'Week 08.' Context: Presentation slide with icons forming a circle on a dark background. Additional text: 'Spring 2025 SOWK 487W, Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LCSW, Heritage University.'
The slide lists an agenda with items: family treatment presentations, group dynamics, facilitation time, empowerment groups, ethics, and planning in social work. It's for Spring 2025 SOWK 487w at Heritage University.
A presentation slide displays text reminding that readings, quizzes, and assignments are uploaded on 'My Heritage.'  It includes, 'Spring 2025 SOWK 487w with Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University.'
The image displays bold, blue text stating 'FAMILY TREATMENT MODALITY RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS' on a black background. Below, it reads: 'Spring 2025 SOWK 487w with Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University.'
Diagram illustrating five stages of group dynamics. Stages include 'Preaffiliation,' 'Power and Control,' 'Intimacy,' 'Differentiation,' and 'Separation.' Accompanied by a vertical arrow diagram showing 'Beginning,' 'Middle,' and 'End.' Text credits authors and course details: 'Spring 2025 SOWK 487w with Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University.'
A presentation slide lists group dynamics: preaffiliation, power and control, intimacy, differentiation, separation. Instructions for discussion are given. Course: Spring 2025 SOWK 487w with Jacob Campbell at Heritage University.
A presentation slide features a yellow triangle labeled 'Norms,' with arrows indicating frameworks like 'Strengths Perspective' and 'Cultural Humility.' Text discusses analyzing norms and social worker values. Additional text: 'Spring 2025 SOWK 487w with Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University.'
The slide features the title 'CONFLICT RESOLUTION FOR TASK AND TREATMENT GROUPS' in blue. To the right, a circular diagram displays arrows connecting words: 'Recognition,' 'Assess,' 'Choose,' 'Resolve.' Text below reads, 'Spring 2025 SOWK 487w with Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University.'
A presentation slide with text emphasizes 'Evoking Behavior Change' between red boxes labeled 'Modeling' and 'Coaching.' Listed are observer conditions like attention, retention, performance, and motivation. Footer reads: 'Spring 2025 SOWK 487w with Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University.'
Slide shows text on 'Appropriate Confrontation.' Key points: engaging nonblaming confrontation, pointing out discrepancies, using 'I' statements. Includes course info: Spring 2025 SOWK 487w with Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University.
The slide features the text 'SOME TIME TO WORK TOGETHER' with a clock icon, next to 'GROUP FACILITATION ACTIVITY' on a dark background. Footer text mentions 'Spring 2025', 'SOWK 487w', 'Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW', and 'Heritage University.'
Building labeled 'ACME LABS' stands under a starry night; text reads 'STEVEN SPIELBERG PRESENTS PINKY AND THE BRAIN.' The slide title is 'Pinky and The Brain Theme Song.'
Mallet striking a surface labeled 'Power & Empowerment' on a dark background. Text reads: 'WHAT WOULD YOU DO $1 MILLION (Berks County Transition, 2012) Jacob Campbell, Ph.D., LICSW Heritage University SOWK 487w Spring 2023.'
A cartoon person stands, dressed formally, against a blue background. Text reads: 'EMPOWERMENT: What is it? Why it's important? How we do it?' and a quote from Charlotte Brontë’s 'Jane Eyre' about independence.
Slide displays five principles of empowerment theory: 1. All oppression should be fought.2. A systematic understanding of oppression must be maintained.3. People can empower themselves.4. Connection with others is necessary for empowerment.5. Clinicians and clients share power.Presented by Jacob Campbell, PhD, UCSW, Heritage University.
Principles of Empowerment Theory slide lists key points: client-centered approach, viewing clients as victors, focusing on social change, examining disempowering practices, and addressing macro needs. Includes 'Robbins et al., 2006' citation.
Slide displays text titled 'Step 1: Self-Efficacy,' outlining empowerment in micro practice. Actions include skill building, gaining self-awareness, and learning to navigate systems. Presented by Jacob Campbell, Ph.D., Heritage University, Spring 2025.
The slide features text detailing 'Step 2: Critical Consciousness,' focusing on empowerment theory in micro practice. Key points include identifying barriers, defining power, and group connection. Context: educational presentation slide.
Slide text features social change steps within empowerment in micro practice. Suggestions include creating policy changes, acting as a mentor, and connecting to activities for social change. Presented by Jacob Campbell.
The slide outlines 'Stages in Empowerment in Mezzo Practice' with 'Intervention/Collaborative Action' as the focus. It lists: Planning, Consciousness Raising/Conscientization, Social/Collective Action, and Embeddedness in the Community.
Flowchart titled 'Intervention/Collaborative Action' consists of four stages: Planning, Consciousness Raising, Social/Collective Action, and Embeddeness in the Community. Key points: inclusivity, clear purpose, dual focus, risk, time.
Flowchart: Four blue boxes labeled 'Planning,' 'Consciousness Raising/Conscientization,' 'Social/Collective Action,' and 'Embeddedness in the Community' depict stages. Text alongside reads: 'Mutual aid model,' 'Developing actions to address needs expressed.'
A hammer strikes a green rectangle labeled 'Implement the actions to address expressed needs,' accompanied by four blue bars titled 'Planning,' 'Consciousness Raising/Conscientization,' 'Social/Collective Action,' and 'Embeddedness in the Community.' Context includes 'Stages in Empowerment in Mezzo Practice.'
The image is a presentation slide titled 'Stages in Empowerment in Mezzo Practice.' It features a flowchart with stages: 'Planning,' 'Consciousness Raising/Conscientization,' 'Social/Collective Action,' and 'Embededness in the Community.' Accompanying points include, 'Poststage portion of the group,' 'What does it look like when you are finished or end,' and 'How do we consolidate changes made.' It cites Breton (2017) and Garvin et al. (2017), and includes contact information for Jacob Campbell, Ph.D., LCSW, Heritage University.
Slide title: 'Tasks in the Event of an Ethical Dilemma.' It lists: Identify ethical issues, Determine appropriate help, Think critically, Manage conflict, Plan and implement decisions, Evaluate and follow-up. Course: Spring 2025 SOWK 487w, Jacob Campbell, Heritage University.
Slide titled 'Work with Groups Case Examples' outlines three group discussions on ethical dilemmas. Each group references specific authors (Pawlukewicz and Ondrus, Garland, Goodrich and Luke) and discusses scenarios or vignettes (verbal abuse, empowerment group). Footer includes 'Spring 2025 SOWK 487w with Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University.'
**Object:** Presentation slide  **Action:** Lists planning elements  **Context:** Discussion on forming groups, with populations like teenage fathers, people with domestic violence charges; side panel details planning aspects like group name and size.  **Text:**  - 'HEPWORTH ET AL. (2022)'- 'PRACTICE PLANNING GROUPS'- 'SELECT A POPULATION'- Populations mentioned: People charged with domestic violence, Middle school students with diabetes, etc.- 'MAKE A PLAN' with an arrow pointing to a side panel.- Side panel includes considerations like 'The name you will give the group,' 'The type of group,' 'The size of the group,' etc.- 'Spring 2025 SOWK 487w with Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University'