Spring 2023 SOWK 487 Week 6: Understanding Social Work Groups

Understanding Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW SOWK 487 Theories of Practice II Social Work Groups

If you were to describe your day today as an animal, what animal would you it it be today and why?

SOCIAL WORK & GROUPS What are groups used for in social work practice? Understanding Social Work Groups Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW Spring 2023 SOWK 487

AGENDA Understanding Social Work Groups • Overview of working with groups • Group dynamics and roles • Tools and strategies in groups Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW Spring 2023 SOWK 487

WORKING WITH GROUPS Groups? A group is a collection of people with shared interests who come together to pursue a goal. Understanding Social Work Groups Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW Spring 2023 SOWK 487

“Nothing truly valuable can be achieved except by the unsel sh cooperation of many individuals.” –Albert Einstein Bene ts of Groups Mutual assistance Connecting with others Testing new behaviors Goal achievement Decision making fi fi Understanding Social Work Groups Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW (Kirst-Ashman & Hull, 2015) Spring 2023 SOWK 487

CHARACTERISTICS OF Treatment, Self-Help, and Task Groups Group Characteristic Treatment Group Self-Help Group Reason for group Members’ personal Members’ personal formation needs needs Facilitator Understanding Social Work Groups Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW Member led; there maybe be no Mental health appointed professional leads facilitator; a trained the group peer or group member may facilitate Task Group Task to be completed Led by agency employee Spring 2023 (Toseland & Rivas, 2017, as cited in Hepworth et al., 2022) SOWK 487

CHARACTERISTICS OF Treatment, Self-Help, and Task Groups Group Characteristic fi Understanding Social Work Groups Treatment Group Self-Help Group Task Group Group member roles May be assigned, Develop organically Develop organically appointed, or through interaction through interaction develop organically through interaction Communication patterns Open, Open, Focused on the conversational conversational speci c task to be interaction based interaction based accomplished. on members’ needs on members’ needs Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW Spring 2023 (Toseland & Rivas, 2017, as cited in Hepworth et al., 2022) SOWK 487

CHARACTERISTICS OF Treatment, Self-Help, and Task Groups Group Characteristic Procedures Group member composition Understanding Social Work Groups Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW Treatment Group Self-Help Group Task Group Flexible or formal, depending on the group Set agenda. May be Flexible or formal, structured by bydepending on the laws or Roberts’ group Rules of Order Based on members Based on members Based on positions, common concerns common concerns needed talents, or presenting or presenting knowledge, or problems problems expertise Spring 2023 (Toseland & Rivas, 2017, as cited in Hepworth et al., 2022) SOWK 487

CHARACTERISTICS OF Treatment, Self-Help, and Task Groups Group Characteristic Treatment Group Self-Help Group Task Group Self-disclosure Expected to be high Expected to be high Expected to be low Con dentiality fi Understanding Social Work Groups Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW Group content is Group content is Group proceedings generally private generally private may be private but and kept within the and kept within the can be open to the group group public Spring 2023 (Toseland & Rivas, 2017, as cited in Hepworth et al., 2022) SOWK 487

CHARACTERISTICS OF Treatment, Self-Help, and Task Groups Group Characteristic Evaluation of success Understanding Social Work Groups Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW Treatment Group Self-Help Group Task Group Determined by group members; Based on Based on members’ survival of the accomplishment of meeting treatment group indicates task or mandate, or goals success as member producing a attendance is what product keeps the group Spring 2023 (Toseland & Rivas, 2017, as cited in Hepworth et al., 2022) SOWK 487

TYPES OF GROUPS Treatment Groups Support groups Educational groups Growth groups Therapy groups Socialization groups Understanding Social Work Groups Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW Spring 2023 (Hepworth et al., 2022) SOWK 487

TYPES OF GROUPS Understanding Social Work Groups Treatment Groups Self-Help Groups Support groups Educational groups Growth groups Therapy groups Socialization groups 12 Step Groups Support Groups Online Self-Help Groups Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW Spring 2023 (Hepworth et al., 2022) SOWK 487

TYPES OF GROUPS Treatment Groups Support groups Educational groups Growth groups Therapy groups Socialization groups Understanding Social Work Groups Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW Task Groups Community Organization Client Spring 2023 (Hepworth et al., 2022) SOWK 487

TYPES OF GROUPS Understanding Social Work Groups Treatment Groups Task Groups Support groups Educational groups Growth groups Therapy groups Socialization groups Board of Directors Task Forces Committees Commissions Legislative Bodies Staff Meetings Case Conferences Social Action Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW Spring 2023 (Hepworth et al., 2022) SOWK 487

PROFESSIONAL ROLES IN GROUPS Understanding Social Work Groups Broker Group Mediator Educator Multiple Roles Facilitator Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW (Kirst-Ashman & Hull, 2015) Spring 2023 SOWK 487

GROUP FUNCTIONS & ROLES Potentially Positive Roles Information seeker Opinion seeker Elaborator Instructor Evaluator Energizer Recorder Understanding Social Work Groups Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW Task Functions Maintenance Functions Procedural technician Harmonizer Compromiser Encourager Follower Tension reliever Listener (Kirst-Ashman & Hull, 2015) Spring 2023 SOWK 487

NEGATIVE AND NONFUNCTIONAL ROLES Understanding Social Work Groups Potentially Negative Roles Nonfunctional Roles Aggressor Blocker Recognition seeker Dominator Help seeker Confessor Scapegoat Defensive member Deviant member Quite member Internal leader Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW (Kirst-Ashman & Hull, 2015) Spring 2023 SOWK 487

GROUP DEMO Jacob’s Group Format • Review the rules • Check in question • Fun engaging activity • Work on a speci c topic or skill Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW fi Understanding Social Work Groups Spring 2023 SOWK 487

ASSESSING INDIVIDUALS’ PATTERNED BEHAVIORS Content Understanding Social Work Groups Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW Process Thematic Behaviors Spring 2023 (Hepworth et al., 2022) SOWK 487

GROUP DYNAMICS AND COMPOSITION Climate Norms Group Culture Understanding Social Work Groups Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW Values Power Group Size Composition — Age — Gender — Homogeneity (Kirst-Ashman & Hull, 2015) Spring 2023 SOWK 487

Persuasion by Minority Compromise By Majority Rule by Individual Understanding Social Work Groups Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW Parliamentary procedure DECISION MAKING PATTERNS Consensus Brainstorming Nominal Group Averaging of Opinions Persuasion by Expert (Kirst-Ashman & Hull, 2015) Spring 2023 SOWK 487

CRITICAL THINKING AND GROUPS Critical Thinking Heterogeneity Understanding Social Work Groups Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW (Kirst-Ashman & Hull, 2015) Spring 2023 SOWK 487

CIRCLE GROUP Following at Restorative Justice Model Respect the talking piece: everyone listens, everyone has a turn Speak from the heart: your truth, your perspectives, your experiences Listen from the heart: Let go of stories that make it hard to hear each other Trust that you know what to say: no need to rehearse: no need to rehearse Say just enough: without feeling rushed, be concise and considerate of the time of others Understanding Social Work Groups Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW Spring 2023 (Clifford, 2013) SOWK 487

What have been some dif cult aspects of college so far and how have you managed? Understanding Social Work Groups fi fi STUDYING AND COLLEGE LIFE Heritage University Jacob Campbell, LICSW How do you study, and what do you do when you study? If you could have given yourself a piece of advice your rst year of college, what would it have been? Spring 2023 SOWK 487