Week 12 - Customer Satisfaction in Program Evaluation

Program Evaluations Customer Satisfaction Jacob Campbell, LICSW Heritage University Learning how we as practitioner or organizations are doing with service delivery Spring 2020 SOWK 460

Focus Group Interviews A group process the allows views of multiple people Structured to allow minority views and differences of opinions Investigate unanticipated discussion points (Kapp & Anderson, 2010) Jacob Campbell, LICSW Heritage University SOWK 460 Spring 2020

Focus Group Interviews Paraphrase and restate comments frequently Seek other opinions (ask group for agreement). Attempt to engage all parties. Review positions of the entire group and verify that you have understanding Open floor for other areas of interest of the group Don’t be afraid to control discussion, and move on when somebody is not sharing the talking Move discussion from heated argument bye naming the positions and moving on (Kapp & Anderson, 2010) Jacob Campbell, LICSW Heritage University SOWK 460 Spring 2020

Focus Group Interviews https://docs.google.com/document/d/ 1WDXv5LIZ73Qib8mXzue9n4uXlaFYnIp -Z2rTwGB5Hwg/edit?usp=sharing (Kapp & Anderson, 2010) Jacob Campbell, LICSW Heritage University SOWK 460 Spring 2020

Creating a Customer Service Questionnaire ❖ How well does the instrument fit the service setting? ❖ Does the instrument provide an overall assessment or is it more topic specific? ❖ Does the language fit my population? Jacob Campbell, LICSW Heritage University SOWK 460 Spring 2020

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GSi0JKwP6UHHWqyTBccoWTbIVp1pZep9 Y73CWgyIQE/edit?usp=sharing Jacob Campbell, LICSW Heritage University SOWK 460 Spring 2020