GROUP WORK RESEARCH & EVALUATION Spring 2021 SOWK 487 Jacob Campbell, LICSW - Heritage University
A presentation at Heritage University @ CBC Week 16 in April 2021 in Pasco, WA 99301, USA by Jacob Campbell
GROUP WORK RESEARCH & EVALUATION Spring 2021 SOWK 487 Jacob Campbell, LICSW - Heritage University
Evaluation designs for groups Difference between program evaluation and clinical evaluation What is a qualitative design methodology Intervention research
Gant, L. M. (2017). Chapter 29 - Evaluation and research design. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky Handbook of Social Work with Groups (pp. 527-534). The Guilford Press.
Macgowan, M. J. (2017). Chapter 32 - Intervention research in social work with groups. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky Handbook of Social Work with Groups (pp. 565-585). The Guilford Press.
Preston, S., Hughes, J., & Woodford, M. R. (2017). Chapter 31 - Qualitative research. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky Handbook of Social Work with Groups (pp. 549-564). The Guilford Press.
Grant (2017)
Groups are used to help people address a variety of intervention tasks (p. 528)
Grant (2017)
One aspect that we can think about when we are looking at research design is the difference between program evaluation and clinical research evaluation. The main way we distinguish between these two is by understanding what is the purpose of the research.
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Grant (2017)
program evaluations differ from clinical research in two main ways
Grant (2017)
So, what is program evaluation. Some of the purposes of program evaluation include:
Grant (2017)
Program Evaluation: Inform decisions, clarify options, specify improvements, and provide information about programs and policies within the social and political context.
Grant (2017)
Clinical Research: To seek out new knowledge, engage in theory testing, confirm or disconfirm hypotheses, and generalize findings
Preston et al. (2017)
The three types of study designs include:
Preston et al. (2017)
[Small Group Activity] Students will work in small groups to discuss how they would evaluate the following: “Professional Similarities for Social Work Students”
Preston et al. (2017)
Improve rigor makes our research more valid. There are a number of strategies that get used to improve rigor in qualitative research, these include:
Prolong engagement: The researcher’s past experiences in the field and relationships with stakeholders and pastor trusting relationships with participants, which is helpful in addressing reactivity and participant bias and can also foster the researchers increase sensitivity to emerging on steps
Triangulation: Having more than one researcher, collecting data from multiple sources representing various perspectives, combining different data collection tactics, and/or reduce each threat to rigor
Peer Debriefing: Consulting colleagues about emerging findings is useful in obtaining another perspective about one’s interpretations, while also getting other ideas both of which are useful and minimizing research bias
Member Checking: Themes and analysis are presented to participants and/or other stakeholders in order to verify one’s interpretation this strategy can occur within an interview or a bowling date analysis and interpretation
Negative case analysis: Inclusion of data that contradicts themes identified in the data helps to address researcher bias.
Audit trail: Documenting mythological and self-reflective memo can help reduce research bias
Thick description: Providing ridge details about how the study was conducted, the research contacts, and the data (through the provision of quotations) can reduce researcher bias and promote transferability
[Small Group Activity] Students will work in small groups and consider how they would evaluate a group for parents. What are some of the tactics they could use to help enhance rigor for that research?
Macgowan (2017)
Intervention research is “A purposeful change strategy for developing or fine-tuning interventions”
[Whole Class Activity] Talk about some of the application of what intervention research is. Consider the connection between participatory action research.
Macgowan (2017)
The following are the steps within conducting intervention research:
Step 1: Specify the Problem and Develop a Program Theory
Step 2: Create and Revise Program Materials
Step 3: Refine and Confirm Program Components in Tests
Step 4: Test Effectiveness in a Variety of Practice Settings
Step 5: Disseminate Findings and Materials