Spring 2025 SOWK 460w Week 05 - Writing About an Ethical Framework

Spring 2025 SOWK 460w Week 05 - Writing About an Ethical Framework
title: Spring 2025 SOWK 460w Week 05 - Writing About an Ethical Framework date: 2025-02-15 14:10:37 location: Heritage University tags:
- Heritage University
- BASW Program
- SOWK 460w presentation_video: > Spring 2025 SOWK 460w Week 05 description: >
SOWK 460 week five is asynchronous, with no in-person class. You will read chapter seven from Royse (2023), which is focused on the range of experimental design methods that can be used to group participants in research. These include experimental, quasi-experimental, and pre-experimental design methods, as well as some random sampling discussion. In my lecture video, we will discuss writing about an ethical framework and how that can be applied to your final paper and research design. I also ask you to read McDonald et al. (2015) and their discussion of how to write about ethical frameworks in social work.
The agenda for the video includes:
- Expectations for week five
- What is an ethical framework
- Ways we consider ethics within program evaluation
- How we would write about ethical frameworks

Agenda: The Plan for Week 05
- Expectations for week five
- What is an ethical framework
- Ways we consider ethics within program evaluation
- How we would write about ethical frameworks

Week Five Expectations
- McDonald et al. (2015) Ethical Professional Writing in Social Work and Human Services
- Royse (2023) Chapter 07 Group Research for Program Evalaution
- Complete the reading quiz
- Watch lecture video
- Complete your first journal entry

What is an Ethical Framework
In social science literature and research design, an ethical framework is a structured approach to identifying, analyzing, and resolving ethical issues that arise in the research process. It provides principles and guidelines that help researchers navigate moral dilemmas, ensure the integrity of their work, and protect the rights and well-being of participants.
There will be a specific section in your paper, but it can be idneified throughout
Might include things such as:
- Core Ethical Principles
- Informed Consent
- Confidentiality and Privacy
- Risk and Harm Mitigation
- Cultural Sensitivity and Equity
- Integrity and Transparency
- Ethical Oversight and Review
The following is based on what is expected on your final paper. In general:
- Explain the considerations you made when designing the project.
- Frame it clearly
Potential questions answered
- How will you interact with clients, the institution, and subjects?
- How will you protect the rights and privacy of subjects?
- With whom will you share data, and why?
- Did your tasks/timeline ultimately go the way you thought it would?
- What took longer and why?
- What was more complicated than you expected, and why?

Ethical development of a program evaluation
There are some things that we can do as practitioners to help safeguard against unethical behavior in program evaluation
- Assume harm and risk: Always risk…
- Identify and address risk: Risks should be documented and explicitly discussed as well as planned to help mitigate. Think process for IRB.
- Cultivate mutual responsibility: between parties involved in the development/implementation of the program evaluation
- Incorporate scrutiny: Work with stakeholders, for blindspots
- Understand the setting: Unable to understand the risk to the population unless understand the setting and population
- Avoid deception: Openness and transparency
(Kapp & Anderson, 2010)

Steps to ensure ethical considerations
The following would be some steps to help ensure that your evaluation is done ethically.
- Plan that includes participant identification, sound methodology, and reporting plan
- Identify and review IRB guidelines and requirements
- Address policies and procedures required for protection of human subjects and informed consent
- Submit the evaluation plan and procedures to an agency board for review and approval
- Work with stakeholders to obtain cooperation
- Ensure informed consent and privacy
- Report to relevant stakeholders
(Kapp & Anderson, 2010)

Focus on social service values and principles
McDonald et al. (2015) argues that we can infuse ethical frameworks through our discussion of values and principles and how they are engaged. Their paper lays out 10 potential areas that this might happen.
- Social justice
- Respect for persons
- Professional integrity
- Accountability and transparency
- Accuracy, judiciousness and credibility
- Reflexivity
- Authenticity
- Sensitivity
- Purpose
- Persuasion

Kapp, S. A., & Anderson, G. R. (2010). Agency-based program evaluation: Lessons from practice. Sage Publications. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.4135/9781544364896
McDonald, D., Boddy, J., O’Callaghan, K., & Chester, P. (2015). Ethical professional writing in social work and human services. Ethics and Social Welfare, 9(4), 359-374. https://doi.org/10.1080/17496535.2015.1009481