Week 15 - Dissemination - Spreading the News in Program Evaluation

Spreading the News in Program Evaluation DISSEMINATION SOWK 460 SPRING 2020 Jacob Campbell, LICSW HERITAGE UNIVERSITY

AGENDA Plan for Session Thoughts about dissemination Real world examples Final project plan Dissemination SOWK 460 Spring 2020 Jacob Campbell, LICSW Heritage University

USE A TAILORED REPORT In the creation of a program evaluation report, consideration should be made to the user of the report and what is most useful and helpful for them. Dissemination PHOTO BY CESAR CARLEVARINO ARAGON ON UNSPLASH SOWK 460 Spring 2020 Jacob Campbell, LICSW Heritage University

EXAMPLE OF D I ST R I C T W I D E R E P O RT A N D INDIVIDUAL S T R O P E R L O O H SC Dissemination SOWK 460 Spring 2020 Jacob Campbell, LICSW Heritage University

FRAMEWORK AND LANGUAGE BASED ON POSITION Position Direct service Manager, supervisor Upper management, executive director Framework Language Theraputic models, treatment intervention Clinical gain or therapeutic change with a single consumer Single program performance Theraputic change across single program; average lengage of stay, percentage of clinets successfully completing the program Agency-wide performance Percentage of successful discharges across the agency (Kapp & Anderson, 2010) Dissemination SOWK 460 Spring 2020 Jacob Campbell, LICSW Heritage University

SUPPORTING THE DISSEMINATION PROCESS An active role for data users Data review meetings Decision-making model reviews Dissemination SOWK 460 Spring 2020 Jacob Campbell, LICSW Heritage University

TEAM INITIATED PROBLEM SOLVING MEETING II Dissemination SOWK 460 Spring 2020 Jacob Campbell, LICSW Heritage University