Biopsychosocial Assessments • Identifying information (e.g., name, age, referral source, brief overview of the presenting problem) • A history of the present circumstances (i.e., the presenting problem, symptoms) • The past psychiatric and medical history of the client and the client’s family (e.g., injuries, operations, medical conditions, medication, ongoing medical treatment) • The client’s social history (e.g., overview of client’s childhood, family structure, living situation, employment and employment history, educational history, hobbies, daily routine, religious or spiritual preferences, friends, past trauma, substance use) • A mental status exam and DSM-5 diagnosis • A formulation (e.g., a statement that summarizes and synthesizes the most important aspects of the case to create a story of the client and his or her past and presenting problems) • For children and adolescents, a brief overview of developmental milestones may be included, addressing the age at which he/she began crawling, walking, talking, toilet training, and so on. (Hepworth, et al., 2017) Jacob Campbell, LICSW
Heritage University
Fall 2021 SOWK 486