Fall 2023 SOWK 486w - Week 15 - Evaluation and Termination

Evaluation & Termination The Ending of the Professional Relationship Jacob Campbell, PhD LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023

Agenda Plan for Week 15 Evaluation The evaluation process Termination Follow up Self-care Evaluation & Termination Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023

Why Perform Evaluations Underlying Rational • Increase E ectiveness • Understand client system experiences • Build professional knowledge base Evaluation & Termination ff Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 (Hepworth et al., 2017)

External Factors and Obstacles in Evaluation Not Routine Clinician Vulnerability Time Consuming ff Evaluation & Termination Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 E ort by Agency Skills & Training (Hepworth et al., 2017)

External Factors and Obstacles in Evaluation Skills & Training E ort by Agency Not Routine Clinician Vulnerability Effort Effects Effectiveness Efficiency Time Consuming ff Evaluation & Termination Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 (Hepworth et al., 2017)

Evaluation Process The Same Planned Change Process De ne problem Evaluate methods Choose best approach Carry out research Evaluate results fi Evaluation & Termination Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 (Hepworth et al., 2017)

Types of Evaluations Used in Social Work • Formative Evaluations: assess the adequacy or amount of e ort directed at solving a client systems problem and gathering data during the actual intervention • Summarative Evaluations: an evaluation that takes place after completing the planned change process • Baseline: is a measure of the frequency, intensity, or duration of a behavior. (Hepworth et al., 2017) Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 ff Evaluation & Termination

Terms Associated with Evaluations Reliability Validity the extent to which you are measuring what you think you are measuring Evaluation & Termination Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 is the extent to which an instrument measures the same phenomenon in the same way each time the measure is used. Reliable instruments produce consistent results over time (Hepworth et al., 2017)

Terms Associated with Evaluations Face validity professional judgment about whether the measure actually measure what it is supposed to Predictive validity when it can be used to predict future events Validity the extent to which you are measuring what you think you are measuring Evaluation & Termination Concurrent validity exists when scores on one instrument correlate well with scores on another instrument that is already considered valid Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 Reliability is the extent to which an instrument measures the same phenomenon in the same way each time the measure is used. Reliable instruments produce consistent results over time (Hepworth et al., 2017)

Terms Associated with Evaluations Data Gathering Methodscommonly used methods include surveys, scores of instruments, interviews with signi cant others, collected data, surveys or interviews, self reports, products which is achievement of a speci c task or change in behavior, or observational measures these rely on others to observe a change in the clients behavior Face validity Predictive validity Concurrent validity Validity the extent to which you are measuring what you think you are measuring is the ability of a set of results in one situation to t another circumstance or instance Reliability Independent Variable is the factor we think is responsible for causing certain behaviors, reactions or events Dependent Variable is the outcome or end product of the helping process Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 fi fi fi Evaluation & Termination Generalizability is the extent to which an instrument measures the same phenomenon in the same way each time the measure is used. Reliable instruments produce consistent results over time (Hepworth et al., 2017)

Single Subject Design A research design with one participant that uses repeated measures before, during, and after treatment to assess the e ectiveness of an intervention. 5 A B 3.75 2.5 1.25 0 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Weei 8 Week 9 Week 10 ff Evaluation & Termination Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 (Hepworth et al., 2022)

Other Single System Designs • Goal Attainment Scaling • Task achievement scaling • Client satisfaction • Target problem scaling Evaluation & Termination Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 (Hepworth et al., 2017)

Semester Self-Evaluation • What are some of the things that you have learned this semester? • How has it changed your way of thinking about the work that you will do in the future? • How do you feel you performed this semester, and why? • What would you do di erently if you had a chance to do this all over again? Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 ff Evaluation & Termination

Evaluation Designs for Programs • Needs Assessment • Evaluability Assessment • Process Analysis • Program Outcome Analysis • Continuous Quality Assurance Evaluations • Program Monitoring Evaluation & Termination Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 (Hepworth et al., 2017)

Example of Program Evaluation Participatory Evaluation and Expert Review for Classrooms Serving Students with EBD (PEER-EBD) Research Based Evaluation & Termination Expert Review Observation Interviews Reviewing Artifacts Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 Individual surveys Facilitated team assessment (Tsai, Cheney, Walker, 2013)

Issues and Problems in Evaluation • Lack of generalizability • Choice of evaluation tools • Ethical considerations • No buy in • Di culty ffi Evaluation & Termination Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 (Hepworth et al., 2017)

Task of Termination What Needs to Happen Before you Finish Decide when Evaluate achievement Maintain and continuing objectives Resolving emotional reactions Make appropriate referrals Evaluation & Termination Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 (Hepworth et al., 2017)

Reactions to Termination What Factors A ect Client and Clinician Decreased Intensity Time Contact Increased Intensity Problem Focus Outside Supports Level of intervention Emotional Content Type of Group Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 ff Evaluation & Termination (Hepworth et al., 2017)

Stabilization of Change What We Should Be Doing • Relevant and appropriate situations • Build con dence • Using multiple situations and settings • Naturally occurring consequences • Use of follow up • Reducing setbacks in other environments • Teaching problem solving process Evaluation & Termination fi Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 (Hepworth et al., 2017)

The Professional Resilience Paradigm • Value verses devalue your professional self • Have positive contacts with colleagues and peers • Take that break • Pace yourself • Achieve validation • Use the power of professional networking Evaluation & Termination Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 (Fink-Samnick, 2009)

The Professional Resilience Paradigm • Present with a presence • Laugh at least once a day • Stop to take that long deep breath • Develop a grounding list • Stop and take 10 • Take control and shift activities Evaluation & Termination Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 (Fink-Samnick, 2009)

The Professional Resilience Paradigm • Use creative visualization • De-connect to Re-connect • Release frustration with a silent meow • Exercise • Turn o your professional switch • Think of te on Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 fl ff Evaluation & Termination (Fink-Samnick, 2009)

The Professional Resilience Paradigm • Revision honestly and regularly • Share professional resilience with health and human services professionals everywhere Evaluation & Termination Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University in SOWK 486w for Fall 2023 (Fink-Samnick, 2009)