Fall 2023 SOWK 486w Week 04 - Overview of the Helping Process

A presentation at Heritage University at CBC Week 04 in September 2023 in Pasco, WA 99301, USA by Jacob Campbell

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Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW Heritage University FALL 2023 SOWK 486W OVERVIEW OF THE HELPING PROCESS

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(CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAINING HELPER, N.D.) FIRST IMPRESSIONS ▸ Who would ▸ you want to meet? what would you do? what would you wear? how would you feel? Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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THE PLAN FOR TODAY AGENDA ▸ Overview of the three phases of the helping process ▸ Setting the environment ▸ Interviewing clients ▸ Practice with ethical dilemmas Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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3 2 Explaining the process, the services, and yourself 1 Exploration, Engagement , Assessment, and Planning Exploring Clients’ Problems Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University (Hepworth et al., 2022) Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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3 RAPPORT 2 Relationship description with strong rapport 1 Look and feel of a strong rapport Exploration, Engagement , Assessment, and Planning Developing strong rapport Establishing rapport and enhancing motivation Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University (Hepworth et al., 2022) Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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(LEACH, 2015) STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS THAT IMPROVE CLIENT TRUST MAINTAIN: AVOID: ‣ Client comfort ‣ Objectivity ‣ Passing judgement ‣ Con dentiality & trust ‣ Attentiveness ‣ Enthusiasm ‣ Eye contact ‣ Jargon and technical language ‣ A collaborative relationship Interest in client concerns ‣ An open posture fi Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University ‣ An authoritarian demeanor ‣ Interruptions Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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(LEACH, 2015) STRATEGIES AND BEHAVIORS THAT IMPROVE CLIENT TRUST BE: USE: ‣ Dependable ‣ Genuine ‣ Open minded ‣ Warm ‣ Respectful of client wishes and needs ‣ Flexible ‣ Sincere ‣ Sensitive ‣ Reassuring & supportive ‣ Honest ‣ Empathetic ‣ Empowering ‣ Altruistic ‣ Con dent ‣ Friendly ‣ Rationales for procedures, treatments and decisions ‣ Engaging and interactive Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University fi ‣ Open-ended questions Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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(KIRST-ASHMAN AND HULL, 2015) STARTING THE INTERVIEW PURPOSE SETTING PREPAREDNESS ▸ The major goal of any interview is effective communication with the client. ▸ Interviews make use of communication with clients to solve problems, encourage positive change and promote clients well being. STARTING Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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(KIRST-ASHMAN AND HULL, 2015) STARTING THE INTERVIEW PURPOSE SETTING ▸ Variety of Setting ▸ How do we present ourselves? PREPAREDNESS ▸ Timeliness STARTING Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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(KIRST-ASHMAN AND HULL, 2015) STARTING THE INTERVIEW PURPOSE SETTING ▸ What information do you need to gather ▸ How long is the interview time frame PREPAREDNESS ▸ Identify the purpose STARTING Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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(KIRST-ASHMAN AND HULL, 2015) STARTING THE INTERVIEW PURPOSE SETTING ▸ Greetings PREPAREDNESS ▸ Alleviate clients anxiety STARTING Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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(HEPWORTH ET AL., 2022) INTERVIEW STRUCTURE ▸ Rapport ▸ Starting with client motivation ▸ Use of an interpreter Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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(HEPWORTH ET AL., 2022) DISCUSSING PROBLEMATIC SITUATIONS ▸ Determine clients’ expectations ▸ Cultural differences ▸ Assesses the signi cance of information fi Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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(HEPWORTH ET AL., 2022) FOCUSING IN DEPTH ▸ Outlines ▸ Moment-to-moment emotional reactions ▸ Clients’ opinions and interpretations ▸ Substance abuse, violence, and sexual abuse Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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(HEPWORTH ET AL., 2022) PROCESS OF GOAL NEGOTIATION ▸ Ending the interview process ▸ Continued use of interviewing skills Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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PHASES OF THE HELPING PROCESS 3 2 Strengths-based approach Stages of change 1 Exploration, Engagement , Assessment, and Planning Establishing rapport and enhancing motivation Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University (Hepworth et al., 2022) Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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PHASES OF THE HELPING PROCESS 3 2 1 Exploration, Engagement , Assessment, and Planning Exploration begins by attending to the emotional states and immediate concerns manifested by the client. Gradually, the social worker broadens the exploration to encompass relevant systems (individual, interpersonal, and environmental) and explores the most critical aspects of the problem in depth. — Hepworth et al. (2022) , p. 43 Formulating a multidimensional assessment Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University (Hepworth et al., 2022) Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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3 2 1 Exploration, Engagement , Assessment, and Planning Behavior PHASES OF THE HELPING PROCESS Thoughts Beliefs Emotions Information revealed Formulating a multidimensional assessment Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University (Hepworth et al., 2022) Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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PHASES OF THE HELPING PROCESS 3 2 Formulating a contact Solution-focused approach 1 Exploration, Engagement , Assessment, and Planning Goals Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University (Hepworth et al., 2022) Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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PHASES OF THE HELPING PROCESS 3 2 Linking clients to other resource systems requires careful handling if clients are to follow through in seeking and obtaining essential resources. 1 Exploration, Engagement , Assessment, and Planning Goals Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University (Hepworth et al., 2022) Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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3 PHASES OF THE HELPING PROCESS 2 1 Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University Implementation and Goal Attainment (Hepworth et al., 2022) Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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PHASES OF THE HELPING PROCESS 3 Prioritize goals into general and speci c tasks 2 Select and implement interventions Plan task implementation, enhancing selfef cacy 1 Implementation and Goal Attainment Maintain focus within sessions Tasks (Hepworth et al., 2022) fi fi Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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PHASES OF THE HELPING PROCESS 3 Maintain continuity between sessions 2 Monitor progress Identify and address barriers to change 1 Implementation and Goal Attainment Employ appropriate self-disclosure and assertiveness to facilitate change Tasks Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University (Hepworth et al., 2022) Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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3 2 1 Implementation and Goal Attainment Enhancing self-ef cacy Monitoring progress PHASES OF THE HELPING PROCESS Barriers to goal attainment Relational reactions Enhancing clients’ self awareness Use of of self Consideration fi Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University (Hepworth et al., 2022) Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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3 2 1 Evaluation and Termination PHASES OF THE HELPING PROCESS Assessing when client goals have been satisfactorily attained Helping the client develop strategies that maintain change and continue growth following the termination Successfully terminating the helping relationship Tasks Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University (Hepworth et al., 2022) Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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PHASES OF THE HELPING PROCESS 3 2 1 Evaluation and Termination SUCCESSFULLY TERMINATING THE HELPING RELATIONSHIP PLANNING CHANGE MAINTENANCE STRATEGIES Considerations Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University (Hepworth et al., 2022) Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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What con icting principles and values are in play in the case? What are the pros and cons of the various courses of action? What guidelines are applicable in resolving this dilemma? What resources could you consult to help you decide on an ethical course of action? (Hepworth et al., 2022, p. 75) fi Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University fl fi A classmate has told you that they are Googling clients from their eld agency as well as looking them up on Facebook. They state that the information is public, so there is no con dentiality involved, and the more they learn about them the better they can help them. In your own placement, workers send Snapchat messages to each other of the wacky ways clients dress and behave. They say it builds camaraderie in the team and is harmless since the photos and comments go away after only a few seconds. ETHICS CASE 1 Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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You are forming a youth group in a state correctional facility. From past experience, you know that members sometimes make references in the group to previous offenses that they have committed without being apprehended. You also know that they may talk about indiscretions or misdemeanors they (or others) may have committed or plan to commit within the institution, such as smoking marijuana, engaging in sexual encounters, receiving contraband from visitors, or stealing supplies or property from peers or staff. Are you required to share all the information you learn in the group? How can you encourage trust and sharing if there are limits to con dentiality? What con icting principles and values are in play in the case? What are the pros and cons of the various courses of action? What guidelines are applicable in resolving this dilemma? What resources could you consult to help you decide on an ethical course of action? fl fi Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University (Hepworth et al., 2022, p. 75) ETHICS CASE 2 Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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In conducting an intake interview with a young woman in a family agency, you observe that both of her young children are withdrawn and listless. Throughout the interview, the client seems defensive, suspicious, and appears ambivalent about having come for the interview. At one point, she states that she feels overwhelmed with her parenting responsibilities and is having dif culty in coping with her children. She also alludes to her fear that she may hurt them but then abruptly changes the subject. As you encourage her to return to the discussion of her problems with the children, your client says that she has changed her mind about wanting help, takes her children in hand, and hastily leaves the of ce. What con icting principles and values are in play in the case? What are the pros and cons of the various courses of action? What guidelines are applicable in resolving this dilemma? What resources could you consult to help you decide on an ethical course of action? fi (Hepworth et al., 2022, p. 75) fi fl Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University ETHICS CASE 3 Fall 2023 SOWK 486w

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You have been working in a mental health agency with a middle-aged male who has a history, when angered, of becoming violent and physically abusive. He has been under extreme psychological pressure lately because of increased expectations at work. In an interview today, he is extremely angry, clenching his sts as he tells you that his boss is giving him a hard time, singling him out for criticism, and threatening that he will lose his job. “If that happens,” he says, “they’ll be sorry.” What con icting principles and values are in play in the case? What are the pros and cons of the various courses of action? What guidelines are applicable in resolving this dilemma? What resources could you consult to help you decide on an ethical course of action? (Hepworth et al., 2022, p. 75) fi fl Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University ETHICS CASE 4 Fall 2023 SOWK 486w