Fall 2022 SOWK 430 Week 09 - School Social Worker Week


Bias Reflection Worksheet Upload this worksheet to Assignments in MyHeritage Introduction: A bias can be defined as prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair. All humans have biases. If you need more information before starting this assignment, read about unconscious bias or implicit bias. It is important that you use this assignment to reflect deeply about one bias that you have. Your worksheet will be read only by your instructor, and you will not be graded on the bias you identify. Rather, you will be graded primarily on the depth of your reflection. BIAS REFLECTION WORKSHEETS
- Identify a bias you have that you are likely to encounter in social work practice. For example: This could be something rooted in your own cultural or religious beliefs, such as a belief that no elder should live in a nursing home or that abortion is wrong. This could be a bias toward using stereotypes to understand other religious groups, ethnic or racial groups, or LGBTQ folks. This could be a label that you tend to put on certain people or an attitude toward those who live with mental health issues or substance use disorders. This could be a bias against a cultural attitude such as machismo or in favor of a particular cultural practice such as having a stay-at-home parent. Or many more. Describe in one to two sentences a bias that you have identified in yourself in the box below.
- Identify three reasons that you believe you have developed this bias. For example: Your beliefs may be rooted in your family upbringing, in your religious teachings, in a lack of exposure or education, in the cultural attitudes of our society, in an experience you had, in something you read or watched, etc. Describe each reason in two to four sentences in the box below. a. b. c. 3. Identify how this bias might become problematic in social work practice if it was not addressed. For example: A bias against all abortion might prevent you from supporting a client in understanding her options when faced with an unplanned pregnancy or unviable fetus. A fear based in a lack of understanding of a particular religion, such as Islam, may prevent you from providing helpful options to a Muslim client. A bias against using a skilled nursing facility could put an older adult in danger if the care they need is beyond the capacity of the family you are serving.

INTEGRITY OF THE PROFESSION 5.01 (C) Social workers should contribute time and professional expertise to activities that promote respect for the value, integrity, and competence of the social work profession. These activities may include teaching, research, consultation, service, legislative testimony, presentations in the community, and participation in their professional organizations. JACOB CAMPBELL, LICSW AT HERITAGE UNIVERSITY FOR SOWK 430 IN THE FALL OF 2022

W-09: IMPORTANCE OF HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS FLIP VIDEO In order to illustrate this principle, please tell us about a time that you or someone you know did have an experience that would only be possible through a relationship with another human. Or you can tell us about a time that human relationships were not used to promote wellbeing. Your example can be professional or personal, and it doesn’t have to be an example from social work. Describe the scenario and tell us about the feelings associated with the event. Pass It On Falling In Love GIF By Barbara Pozzi JACOB CAMPBELL, LICSW AT HERITAGE UNIVERSITY FOR SOWK 430 IN THE FALL OF 2022 https://giphy.com/gifs/star-light-stars-LwHaQCGZMdD9Ghalrl