Fall 2024 SOWK 590 Week 01- Getting Settled with Advanced Seminar I

Fall 2024 SOWK 590 Week 01- Getting Settled with Advanced Seminar I
title: Fall 2024 SOWK 590 Week 01- Getting Settled with Advanced Seminar I date: 2024-08-21 21:01:00 location: Heritage University tags:
- Heritage University
- MSW Program
- SOWK 590
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The advanced seminar is an opportunity to reflect on your learning from your practicum placement. In this first session, we will review the overall format of this class by examining the course syllabus. In each synchronous session, we will discuss our practicum placement. To do this effectively, we will develop group norms. We will also engage in a mindfulness activity and some student-led discussion each week. We will make a plan for these.
During our in-person session, the following is the agenda:
- Reviewing course syllabus
- Learning contract planning
- Developing practice learning reflection group norms
- Mindfulness activity
- Planning for student-led discussion (SLED)
- This week’s SLED topic: Safety & Well Being, Self-Care
The learning objectives this week include:
- Students will recognize the shared experiences of peers in their practicum and be able to use the group as a method for sharing and problem-solving.
- Students will analyze their practicum experience, reflecting on how it connects to their development and demonstration of competence.
- Students will actively practice a mindfulness activity.
- Students consider safety, well-being, self-care, and how they relate to their practice.

Week 01 Agenda and Learning Objectives
- Reviewing course syllabus
- Learning contract planning
- Developing practice learning reflection group norms
- Mindfulness activity
- Planning for student led discussion (SLED)
- This weeks SLED topic: Safety & Well Being, Self-Care
Learning Objectives
- Students will recognize the shared experiences of peers in their practicum and be able to use the group as a method for sharing and problem-solving.
- Students will analyze their practicum experience, reflecting on how it connects to their development and demonstration of competence.
- Students will actively practice a mindfulness activity.
- Students consider the topics of safety, well-being, and self-care and how it relate to their practice.

Course Syllabus: The General Map of this Class
Course Syllabus Page on My Heritage Show the syllabus page, the forms that have been uploaded.

Course Grading
This class is a pass/no pass class. There are three products that you will be graded on.
- Attendance (Can only miss one session)
- In-Class Participation
- Weekly Reflective Journal

In Person Class Format
Each week, the following will be the format of the class that we meet in-person.
- Practice Learning Reflection Group
- Mindfulness Activity
- Student Led Discussion

Reviewing Learning Contracts
We need to make a general plan for learning contracts.
- Where are you at in development
- Scheduling a time to review
- Support you need

Developing Group Norms
What are our rules for the practice learning reflection group

Box Breathing
I want to start our little meeting today with a self-care practice. This might be something that you are familiar with or not. but it is a simple but powerful way to breath. It is a form of deep breathing employed by the Navy SEALS and used in yogic practice as well. Sometimes it is called 4x4 breathing or equal breathing
It has a tone of benefits, including:
- Lowers stress
- Activates the parasympathetic nervous system (fight or flight)
- Calms the mind
I created a this to help show us how to do it, but it is simple and just counting to four or five on inhale/hold/exhale/hold. The slides are going to have the arrow move and each of the little circles will appear around the square 1 per second.

Box Breathing - Round 1
So we are going to start with our inhale…
Next to start –>

Box Breathing - Round 2
Slide automatically goes

Box Breathing - Round 3
Slide automatically goes

Student Led Discussion Topics
This week we are going to talk about “Safety & Well Being, Self-Care “ but I want to spend some time planning who is going to do what.
- Talk about how this will look
[Whole Class Activity] Set out each week around the room. students spread out to the section they are interested in.
List of weeks
W-01 Safety & Well Being, Self-Care W-03 Self-Care and Burnout Prevention W-05 Restorative Justice Practices W-07 Intersectionality and Identity W-09 Community Organizing and Activism W-11 Cultural Competence in Practice W-13 Ethical Considerations in Social Media Use W-14 Innovations in Social Work Practice

Student Led Discussion
Safety & Well Being, Self-Care