Teach Back Activity
A-02 Asynchronous Participation - Preparation for In-Class Teach Back
This assignment is going to be a part of participation in class for week 09. There is no other assignments either this week or next to have time to prepare for it.
Purpose: For students to be able to both increase knowledge around assessment and to facilitate learning for peers about what to examine in various assessments.
Task: Students will work in small groups to plan a presentation to take place during class on 10/19/20. Students will prepare a short five to 10 minute presentation to talk about what social workers should be looking for in various aspects of assessments. During class 10/12/20 students will be divided up into four groups. Each group will be assigned one of the following out of the textbook:
- Suicide Risk Assessment (pp. 230-234)
- Assessing Aggression (pp. 236-237)
- Assessing Environmental Systems (pp. 237-241)
- Assessing Biophysical Functioning (pp. 218 - 224)
Students are to prepare to share information and have a discussion with classmates about their selected area. Students may choose to create a presentation that can be completed during class. The goal is to help classmates know how to assess for the given topic and have a group discussion about the topic.
Criterion for Success: Students will show they are prepared in class on week nine to facilitate both information about their topic and have discussion with their fellow students.