Spring 2025 SOWK 487w Week 02 - Understanding and Assessing Families

Spring 2025 SOWK 487w Week 02 - Understanding and Assessing Families
title: Spring 2025 SOWK 487w Week 02 - Understanding and Assessing Families date: 2025-01-27 12:07:14 location: Heritage University tags:
- Heritage University
- BASW Program
- SOWK 487w presentation_video: > “” description: >
For the first four weeks of class, we will focus on groups in family work. This week you will read Hepworth et al. (2022) Chapter 10 Assessing Family Functioning in Diverse Family and Cultural Contexts. The assessment is the foundation for any successful service. Some of the dimensions we must look at include: family structure, including homeostasis, boundaries, power and decision-making, roles, rules, life cycle, and sociopolitical environment
- Strengths perspective and families
- Engagement and assessment with families

Genogram Cutout Activity
I want to have us go through and do an simple activity that you can do either with one client, with a family, or even with groups.
- Description: Have various shapes and colors cut out of construction paper. It is important to have a lot of choices for the clients to utilize. Ask the clients to take various pieces of construction paper and describe their family circumstances. Tell them they can choose shapes, colors, even the layout of their family’s to describe to the group what their family looks like. Have each of the clients describe their Genogram.
Purpose: This is an activity that helps relate family situations to the group members. It is an activity that might go a bit deeper than some of the others, so be careful to manage how much you want to go into.
- Bring cut out paper for Genogram Cutout Activity @tags(Heritage University, Planning) @due(2025-01-29)

- Strengths perspective and families
- Engagement and assessment with families

Identifying Family Strengths
National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association (2007) CASA volunteer training manual. Seattle, WA. Retrieved from http://www.casaofsantacruz.org/documents/files/assets/basic-html/page79.html
Note 12 to 15 positive aspects of the household pictured.
- In the large group
- Share your observations
[Discussion] What was difficult about this activity? [Discussion] Why would this be an important exercise?

What Families Provide (1 of 3)
Families continue to remain the foundation of most peoples lives. They can provide security, support, and intimacy people need. (Kirst-Ashman & Hull, 2015, p. 329)
As you start to work with an individual who initially appears to have an individual problem…
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What Families Provide (2 of 3)
but you can look at this from a family’s perspective. We really need to start to view them in a larger context.
- This means you start to view the problem as not just the individuals but rather the whole family’s.
-> Next slide

What Families Provide (3 of 3)
The following are the generally described functions of families:
- Procreation: Families ensure the evolutionary survival of the human species.
- Provide for physical needs: Families obtain and distribute resources instrumental for physical health and economic survival.
- Provide secure attachment bonds: Families provide members with a sense of psychological security and safety.
- Primary socialization of children: Families teach and reinforce social norms and rules necessary for successful performance in the social world.
- Regulate sexuality: Family structure establishes boundaries that limit sexual relationships among its members (e.g., incest).
- Satisfy emotional needs: Families provide members affection, companionship, and a sense of belonging.

Different Families, Same Love
“There are various ways to define families. One definition is ‘A primary group whose members assume certain obligations for each other and generally share common residences.’” (Kirst-Ashman & Hull, 2015, p. 331)
- Individuals in a family can be related by ancestry, marriage, adoption, or choice.
- A family can include two or more people who assume responsibility for each other’s well-being over time.
- Families could have…
- A female head of household
- Parents with various sexual orientations
- Family relationships that are not based on blood or the necessity of marriage
Once the family has been identified as your client, there are different dimensions to assess the family.

Dimensions of a Family Systems Framework Assessment
- Homeostasis
- Boundaries and Boundary Maintenance
- Family Decision Making, Hierarchy, and Power
- Family Roles
- Communication Styles of Family Members
- Family Life Cycle
- Family Rules
- Social Environment
- Family Adaptive Capacity (Stressors and Strengths)
[Whole Class Activity] Review the Handout Applying Family Systems Framework Assessment. What kind of things might you expect to hear in these areas?
Today’s plan is just a discussion about these. Next week, you will role-play them.
- Make 18 copies of Applying Family Systems Framework Assessment @tags(Heritage University, Planning) @due(2025-01-29) week-02-handout-applying-family-systems-framework-assessment-situations.pdf

“Homeostasis is a systems concept that describes the tendency of a system to maintain or preserve equilibrium or balance. In essence, homeostasis is a conservative property of family systems that strives to maintain the status quo” (p. 255)
Homeostasis operates through a pattern of feedback loops to reinforce the status quo and to preserve the family structure.
- Feedback loops are cycles of interactions, or expected interactions, that are used to exert influence over families and family members.
- Balance: Through these feedback loops, families are always trying to regain their homeostasis or balance.

Boundaries and Boundary Maintenance
“Boundaries, a central concept in family systems theories, can be likened to abstract dividers that function (1) between and among other systems or subsystems within the family and (2) between the family and the environment” (p. 256)
- Internal vs. External: ^^
- Unique: Think about the family’s unique style, cultural preferences, strengths, and needs
- Families include coexisting subsystems that can be formed based on gender, interest, generation, or functions that must be performed for the family’s survival
- They are also a continuum between –> Disengagement (diffused boundaries) or Enmeshment (inappropriately rigid)

Family Decision Making, Hierarchy, and Power
Family decision-making power, hierarchy, and power are essential for a social worker to assess and be cognizant of. When we think about these parts, the following are some ways that we think about them:
[Whole Class Activity] Discuss each topical area and the types of questions that you might ask.
- Historic / Context: How power has been distributed in the family in the past and whether changing conditions of the family are threatening the established power base (McGoldrick, 1998; Okun, Fried, & Okun, 1999)
- Reason for distribution: Whether the distribution of power is gender specific out of necessity for the family to survive in a hostile environment (Okun, Fried, & Okun, 1999)
- Covert power: To what extent power is covertly held by members who have aligned to form a power bloc, and to what extent covert power accrues to individual members who are manifesting extreme symptoms
- Power flexibility: The extent to which the family system allows power to be flexibly reallocated and permits roles to be adjusted to meet the demands of changing circumstances
- Family perspective: How members view power distribution in the family (even though the distribution is unequal, family members may be satisfied with the arrangement). The role of a family’s culture in determining the distribution of power (Congress & Kung, 2005)

Family Roles
“Roles are generally understood patterns of behavior that are accepted by family members as part of their individual identities. Usually, roles can be identified by their labels, which denote both formal roles that are socially sanctioned (e.g., grandparent, mother, father, brother, sister) and idiosyncratic roles that evolve over time within a specific family context (e.g., comedian, scapegoat, caregiver).” (p. 200)
- Enacted: In an enacted role, the family member engages in the actual behavior relative to her status or position (for example, mother).
- Prescribed: members are influenced by the expectations that others hold concerning a social position.
- Perceived: A perceived role involves the expectations of self relative to one’s social position.

Family Rules
The explicit and implicit rules in a family system may be flexible or rigid, depending on context and time.
[Whole Class Activity] What are some rules that families might have?

What About Your Family?
[Small Group Activity] With a partner, ask for information about the members of their families, what types of roles people have, and some of the values and norms. Remember to work on your interviewing skills as you do this fact-finding.
- Members
- Roles
- Norms
- Rules
- Values

Communication Styles of Family Members
Looking for patterns and styles of communication within families is another important area to consider. This frequently means examining…
Congruence and Clarity of Communication, which includes verbal, non-verbal, and contextual.
Clarity vs. Mystification/Incongruence
[Whole Class Activity - Discussion] What are some of the types of things that we are looking for verbally and non verbally (as discussed in micro skills last semester)?
Especially in working with families, we are on the lookout for patterns
- Watching for patterns
- Verbal communication patterns… Who talks a lot Who talks rarely What tone of voice does mom use with son… etc
- Nonverbal communication can involve facial expressions, eye contact, and posture Where do they all sit? How close do they sit [Story] Working for the CRC and watching the seating while doing family sessions.
- Using techniques
- Being warm, empathic, and genuine
- Using interviewing techniques.
- Family interaction and communication are more complicated because more individuals are involved.
Looking for patterns and styles of communication within families is another important area to consider. This frequently means examining…
![[Slide Title] Communication Styles of Family Members[Object] Stick figures represent a family.[Action] Illustrates sender and receiver skills.[Context] Black background with text boxes: 'Sender Skills: Using 'I messages' versus 'You...'' and 'Receiver Skills: Physical attending, Paraphrasing, Responses that elicit clarification, Brief responses.' Congruence and Clarity of Communication shown by a double-headed arrow.Bottom text: 'Heritage University, Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW, SOWK 487v, Spring 2025.'](../deck-Yk3Ry0-large-16.jpeg)
Receiver and Sender Skills
Sender Skills:
“Another facet of assessing communication patterns and skills is assessing family members’ sender skills —that is, the extent to which family members can share their inner thoughts and feelings with others in the system” (p. 202)
Using “I message” versus “You…”
Receiver Skills
“In general, facilitative receiver skills invite, welcome, and acknowledge the views and perceptions of others. For example, free-for-all conversations invite and even encourage responses, but perhaps not in the way that may be most familiar to you. In such situations, family members feel free to express agreement or disagreement, even though doing so may sometimes spark conflict. Facilitative responses that convey understanding and acceptance include the following:” (p. 202)
- Physical attending (direct eye contact may or may not be encouraged, receptive body posture, hand gestures, attentive facial expressions)
- Listening or paraphrasing responses by family members that restate in fresh words the essence of a speaker’s message (e.g., “Man, you said …,” or as a youth might say, “I feel you …”)
- Responses by receivers of messages that elicit clarification of messages (e.g., “Tell me again. I’m not sure what you meant” or “Am I right in assuming you meant …?”)
- Brief responses that prompt further elaboration by the speaker (e.g., “Oh,” “I see,” “Tell me more”)

Insoo Kim Berg Solution-Focused Family Therapy Video
Insoo Kim Berg Solution-Focused Family Therapy Video. (2009, June 29). Insoo Kim Berg Solution-Focused Family Therapy Video. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Fe8D0hAQh0
PsychotherapyNet. (2009, June 29). Insoo Kim Berg solution-focused family therapy video [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/6Fe8D0hAQh0
We will watch a short video clip of Insoo Kim Berg conducting family therapy. The video does not necessarily demonstrate techniques; we are interested in what you observe about the family’s verbal and nonverbal communication.
- [Discussion] Does anybody know who Insoo Kim Berg is? Solution-focused brief therapy
- [Discussion] What do you observe?

Family Life Cycle
One way of looking at a family stage in their life cycle
- Unattached young adult
- New couple
- Family with young children
- Family with adolescents
- Family that is launching children
- Family in later life
At each of these stages, families face various tasks to complete.

Social Environment
Social environment is also an important aspect to look at.
Think about the different contexts and apply an ecological perspective to a family.
Talk about client communities (Iraqi, Cuban, etc.) that I’ve worked with

Family Adaptive Capacity (Stressors and Strengths)
“The adaptive capacity of any given family refers to the extent to which the family can achieve its functioning goals, given the demands of family and social life. As the family faces demands from its environment and challenges from its members, its capacity to adapt is a central property of maintaining itself as a cohesive unit.” (p. 267)
- These stressors can be categorized by
- Family Cycle: Normative (normal) vs nonnormative (not expected)
- Frequency and Duration: Acute, Chronic, Episodic
- Magnitude and Number: Stressful life event vs daily hassles
Family Strengths and Resilience
- Social support: from the community and from kinship bonds. Families with active and vital social support networks have ready access to coping resources.
- Internal cohesion and commitment: Families can adapt to adversity when family members are dedicated to each other, and their communication patterns allow for a mutual understanding of each other’s thoughts, ideas, and feelings about adversity.
- Creativity and flexibility: Families that strive for creative solutions to problems, especially those who demonstrate flexibility in role assignments, enable families to find solutions to stressful situations.
- Appraisal, insight, and meaning. When families strive to understand their difficulties and find affirmative meaning in them, they are more likely to sustain their problem-solving efforts under stress. Appraisal and insight are often linked to family spirituality and belief systems.
- Initiative and achievement: Action-oriented families approach problem-solving using positive coping strategies, such as cognitive coping, problem-solving, and constructive emotional regulation.
- Boundary setting: Families with a strong sense of family structure will seek to shield their members from unhelpful, unhealthy, and destructive influences.