Spring 2025 SOWK 587 Week 06 - Using an Ethical Principle Screen and Decision Making

Spring 2025 SOWK 587 Week 06 - Using an Ethical Principle Screen and Decision Making
title: Spring 2025 SOWK 587 Week 06 - Using an Ethical Principle Screen and Decision Making date: 2025-02-27 23:29:31 location: Heritage University tags:
- Heritage University
- MSW Program
- SOWK 587 presentation_video: > Spring 2025 SOWK 587 Week 06 - Using an Ethical Principle Screen and Decision Making description: >
Week six is asynchronous. The week is centered around the topic of ethics. It is explored in Jarolmen and Bautista-Thomas (2023) as they describe ethical dilemmas that school social workers should consider. Students will also review practice in the context of schools and how it intersects with LGBTQI persons and groups. The forums provide space to reflect on the week’s content, FERPA, and confidentiality. This week’s lecture video shares information about using an ethical principle screen and decision-making and relates it to a case example. Furthermore, students submit their ethical decision-making video presentation to demonstrate their ability to apply ethical decision-making to practice and consider scientific-based practices to support students.
The agenda for the lecture video includes:
- Plan for the week
- Ethical principle screen
- Steps in decision making
- Case example
Learning Objectives for the week include
- Define and describe the Ethical Principle Screen (EPS) and its hierarchical ranking of ethical principles.
- Examine a case study using steps in decision making
- Analyze the intersection of ethics, confidentiality, and FERPA
- Critically reflect on personal values and biases
- Demonstrate knowledge of how to support the outcomes for all students through strategies such as scientifically-based practices, collaborative teaming, and ethical decision making (Competency E for ESA Course)

Agenda and Learning Objectives for Week Six
- Plan for the week
- Ethical principle screen
- Steps in decision making
- Case example
Learning Objectives
- Define and describe the Ethical Principle Screen (EPS) and its hierarchical ranking of ethical principles.
- Examine a case study using steps in decision making

Activities for Week Six: What You Should Be Doing
- Read chapter 6 of your textbook and the provided chapter 8 in My Heritage
- Make Three Replies in the Forums
Topics Include:
Reflecting on the Unique Challenges Faced by LGBTQI FERPA and Confidentiality and Ethics Reflection on Content From the Textbook
- Member of small group post in the synthesis forum
- Submit A-03: Ethical Decision-Making Video Presentation

Ethical Principle Screen (1 of 2) Key Ethical Assessment Tool
The ethical principle screen has been around for a while. Your textbook cites Lowewenburg 2000. He and his colleagues Dolgoff and Harrington updated some of the terminology used in ranking their description of an Ethical Principle Screen. For example, in the previous version, social justice was framed around equity but has been adjusted to a more inclusive description. These items are ranked and often appear in a triangle to demonstrate hierarchy.
Protection of Life Social Justice Self Determination, Autonomy, and Freedom Least Harm Quality of Life Privacy and Confidentiality Truthfulness and Full Disclosure
- The first ethical principle would be the protection of human life. It takes precedence over every other obligation
- The second ethical principle of social justice (which was updated in this 2012 rethinking of the EPS) suggests that people in the same circumstances should be treated similarly. Each of us should treat people in similar circumstances in a consistent manner. Checking in on personal biases is essential in assessing equity present in practice.
- The third ethical principle is to foster a person’s self-determination, autonomy, and freedom. Each person has the right and ability to make their own decisions that don’t impact others. The client should be respected in the decisions that they make.
- The fourth ethical principle is to work to cause the least harm. We have to weigh the potential outcomes of the decisions. The social worker should attempt to choose the least harmful of all alternatives. The fifth ethical principle states that social workers should promote a better quality of life for the client. The social worker should provide the best quality of life under the circumstances assessed. The sixth ethical principle is every person’s right to privacy and confidentiality. This principle should be respected unless harm or unsafe conditions will result.
- The seventh ethical principle is that we should provide full disclosure and be truthful to all clients. At the onset, the practitioner should lay out the ground rules and let the client know the boundaries and abilities that their services provide
(Dolgoff et al., 2012)

Ethical Principle Screen (2 of 2) How We Conceptualize The EPS
Dilemma involves multiple principles -> a higher-order principle takes precedence over the satisfaction of a lower-order principle.
Consider example Is the protection of life of concern? - -> Other principles become less important
Considerations Before Taking Action:
- Impartiality (would we do it same with somebody else) - correcting partiality and self-interest
- Generalization (Would I do the same thing for myself?) - think beyond the short-term
- Justifiability (Can you explain and justify to others?) - Consider options purposely
Dolgoff, R., Harrington, D., & Loewenberg, F. M. (2012). Ethical decisions for social work practice (9th ed.). Cengage Learning.

Decision Making: Steps to Make
The following are the steps we should make when we are
- Gather information and assess the issues in question—Who are the stakeholders and what are they going to win or lose by your decision?
- Separate practice issues from the ethics of the case in question—Conflicting values present an ethical dilemma, but if there is no clouding of the issue, then use best practices standards rather than ethical decision making.
- Identify the conflicting values—One then must prioritize which values are more pressing.
- Get help—consult other professionals, the Code of Ethics, and supervisors. Following the Code of Ethics will help if issues of ethical behavior arise.
- Identify alternatives—Look at the possible ways of handling the situation and the ethical efficacy of each.
- Evaluate the costs and benefits to the stakeholders—One must examine what the consequences will be to each of the stakeholders depending on the circumstances.
- Clarify and examine your own values—Doing this will help prevent bias in the decision-making process. Look at your own decision-making style and bring that to the decision-making agenda.
- Decide which priority to make first and be able to rationally support your choice—One must use professional standards and ethical principles and practice wisdom to make this decision.
- Record the decision in your case notes—In this step, one should document the actions taken and the method of arriving at one’s decision
(Franklin et al., 2006 as cited in Jarolmen & Bautista-Thomas, 2023 , p. 139)

Example Case
Story about XRG-27898, Bridges student.
Case Context Bridges Program, IEP eligible in ares of reading, writing, math, social/emotional, behavior and communication under the category of health impaired
Diagnosis of ADHD
My perception would also include a potential diagnosis of pervasive developmental disorder, cognatively very low and difficulty with social interactions
- very abrasive and often doesn’t know how to interact
- Often very oppositional
- Theft, fire starting, agressive behavior, running away
- Theraputic millue in classroom
- Individual sessions and wrap around process (home visits, teaching skills like bus, getting ID, etc.)
In your examples I’d like to see you talk more about specific interventions you are doing and connection with literature.
Ethical Dilemma
There were a number of ethical challenges that came up with me for him. Late in his high school career much of it revolved around transition planning.
Dilemma: Transition planning goals beyond perceived capacity.
- Don’t want to limit
Gather Information
- Experience working with, assessments done through evaluation, client stated desires.
Practice Vs Ethics Issues
- This dilemma does fit under an ethical dilemma and not just a practice one (although there are many practice challenges that I also had to address and support)
Identify the conflicting values
- Problem related to: Self Determination, Autonomy, and Freedom
Get help
- Worked with staff to see if others had opinions
Identify alternatives—
- Encouraged continued learning and engagement to develop skills (Keep in student store, recommended workforce learning)
- Attempted to meet practical needs (Help getting ID and Learning to use bus)
- Focused attention on more relevant goals (WSU ROAR, desire to work at Starbucks)
- Coordinating and communicating with the family.
- Ultimately Supported in tasks wanted to accomplish
Clarify and examine your own values
- I share this story because I did really have to spend time evaluating my bias.
Decide which priority Document