Week 07 - Program Evaluation Design and Planning

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Location: CBC Campus -  SWL 208 Time: Mondays from 5:30-8:15 Week 07: 2/24/20 Topic and Content Area:  Evaluation Design Planning  Reading Assignment: Kapp and Anderson chapters 8-9 Assignments Due:  A-02 Reading Quiz 02/24/20 A-04a: Weekly Journal 03 03/01/20 A-04c: Group Work Plan 03/01/20  Other Important Information: N/A

Location: CBC Campus - SWL 208
Time: Mondays from 5:30-8:15
Week 07: 2/24/20
Topic and Content Area:

  • Evaluation Design
  • Planning

Reading Assignment: Kapp and Anderson chapters 8-9
Assignments Due:

  • A-02 Reading Quiz 02/24/20
  • A-04a: Weekly Journal 03 03/01/20
  • A-04c: Group Work Plan 03/01/20

Other Important Information: N/A

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What success did you have? What barriers did you face? If you were to do it again, what would you do differently? Why?

What success did you have? What barriers did you face?

If you were to do it again, what would you do differently? Why?

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 What are the qualities and components of a good logic model?

What are the qualities and components of a good logic model?

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 We will use our logic models to identify information needs. We will identify the strengths and weaknesses of various program evaluation design models. We will utilize our logic models and our understanding of program evaluation design models to develop our evaluation plans.
  1. We will use our logic models to identify information needs.
  2. We will identify the strengths and weaknesses of various program evaluation design models.
  3. We will utilize our logic models and our understanding of program evaluation design models to develop our evaluation plans.
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Slide 6
 Reviewing the logic model, ask yourself, “What information do we need to effectively evaluate the processes and outcomes of the program?”  Process: A process is the implementation of a key component of the program. In the Kellogg logic model, processes are described as activities and quantified as outputs. Outcomes: Outcomes are results that occur that are directly linked to program processes.

Reviewing the logic model, ask yourself, “What information do we need to effectively evaluate the processes and outcomes of the program?”

Process: A process is the implementation of a key component of the program. In the Kellogg logic model, processes are described as activities and quantified as outputs.

Outcomes: Outcomes are results that occur that are directly linked to program processes.

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[Whole Class Activity] Discuss this as an example logical model. Review how it would be created, the details within it, and how it helps in determining the evaluative process

[Whole Class Activity] Discuss this as an example logical model. Review how it would be created, the details within it, and how it helps in determining the evaluative process

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Conceptualization for program and component and the indicators that we can track.

Conceptualization for program and component and the indicators that we can track.

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Adding to the conceptualization

Adding to the conceptualization

Slide 10
 Reviewing your logic model, ask yourself…   “What information do you need to effectively evaluate the processes and outcomes of the program?”

Reviewing your logic model, ask yourself…

“What information do you need to effectively evaluate the processes and outcomes of the program?”

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[Whole Class Activity] How can we get the data we need for a program evaluation?

[Whole Class Activity] How can we get the data we need for a program evaluation?

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 Questionnaires, surveys, checklists Interviews Observations Focus groups Existing data (systematically gathered data, case files, treatment documentation, etc.) Controlled experiments
  • Questionnaires, surveys, checklists
  • Interviews
  • Observations
  • Focus groups
  • Existing data (systematically gathered data, case files, treatment documentation, etc.)
  • Controlled experiments
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[Small Group Activity] Discuss What are the advantages of getting data using this source? What are the disadvantages?

[Small Group Activity] Discuss

What are the advantages of getting data using this source? What are the disadvantages?

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Addition of information sources

Addition of information sources

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 Review the program components and indicators you identified   What is the best source of information for each indicator?

Review the program components and indicators you identified

What is the best source of information for each indicator?

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Slide 18
 What program component(s) will you evaluate? What indicator will you use to measure each component? What will be your data source for each indicator? What does “success” look like? A. Comparison with pre-established target? (What is the pre-established target?) B. Positive change over time? (What are the time frames?) How will you collect the data? By when will you collect the data? Who will be responsible for collecting the data? How will you share the data?
  1. What program component(s) will you evaluate?
  2. What indicator will you use to measure each component?
  3. What will be your data source for each indicator?
  4. What does “success” look like? A. Comparison with pre-established target? (What is the pre-established target?) B. Positive change over time? (What are the time frames?)
  5. How will you collect the data?
  6. By when will you collect the data?
  7. Who will be responsible for collecting the data?
  8. How will you share the data?
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Discuss what to include…

Discuss what to include…