Fall 2022 SOWK 430 Week 15 - Social Media and Technology

Social Media and Social Work SOWK 430 Week 15 Jacob Campbell, LICSW at Heritage University in the Fall 2022 Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

![Final Assignments Last Week of Class Assignment 05: Applying an Ethical Decision-Making Model Paper Meta: Points 100 points (16% of total points); Deadline Sunday 11/27/22; Friday 12/02/22 Completion via Anthology Portfolio (My Heritage Assignments A–05: Applying an Ethical Decision-Making Model Paper). You can find the Case Study for Final Paper and a PDF Version of these instructions with the rubric included. Purpose: The Applying an Ethical Decision-Making Model Paper allows students to display their skills in applying an ethical framework to a case study. Task: Students will work individually to author a final paper that is 750–1000 words in length. The final report should address the first four NASW Essential Steps to Ethical Problems Solving regarding the assigned case study (this can be accessed in the assignment description). Student papers should include headings (APA formats level one heading as bold, centered, and following a title case capitalization style) for each of the first four steps. These steps include: 1. DETERMINE whether there is an ethical issue or/and dilemma. Is there a conflict of values, rights, or professional responsibilities? 2. IDENTIFY the key values and principles involved. What meanings and limitations are typically attached to these competing values? 3. RANK the values or ethical principles that are most relevant to the issue or dilemma in your professional judgment. What reasons can you provide for prioritizing one competing value/principle over another? 4. DEVELOP an action plan consistent with the ethical priorities that have been determined as central to the dilemma. As appropriate, have you conferred with clients and colleagues about the potential risks and consequences of alternative courses of action? Can you support or justify your action plan with the values/principles on which the intervention is based? This assignment is a key assignment[1] for the program. It is designed to assess students’ ethical and professional behavior, the first competency described by the Council on Social Work Education. The following is the language used in the 2022 education and policy standards (EPAS): Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior Social workers understand the value base of the profession and its ethical standards, as well as relevant policies, laws, and regulations that may affect practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Social workers understand that ethics are informed by principles of human rights and apply them toward realizing social, racial, economic, and environmental justice in their practice. Social workers understand Assignment 06a: [Extra Credit] Bias Testing Reflective Paper The faculty for this course offers students two different opportunities for extra credit. The first is a minor assignment for participating in the Implicit Association Test from Harvard (or a similar test for bias) and reflecting on your findings. The second is a more intensive research paper discussing the historical context of social work. These assignments are extra credit and not mandatory. This description is for the more minor assignment. Meta: Points 31.25 (5% of total points); Deadline Friday 12/02/22 at 11:55 PM; Completion via My Heritage Assignments (A–06a: [Extra Credit] Bias Testing Reflective Paper) as an uploaded document. You can also see a copy of the assignment instructions and rubric. Purpose: The Bias Testing Reflective Paper provides an avenue for students to self-reflect on their own biases after completing a bias testing process. Task: Students will participate in Harvard’s Implicit Association Test and write a reflective paper 500 to 750 words in length. They will consider their experience with the test, their results, and what they might be able to learn from the experience. Success: Students will submit a paper demonstrating strong academic writing and self-reflective skills. Essays are graded according to the Reflective Paper Rubric. Feedback will be provided with final grades due by the instructor no later than Wednesday 12/14/22 at 5:00 PM. Assignment 06b: [Extra Credit] Social Work Historical Context Research Paper Instructions and Rubric The faculty for this course offers students two different opportunities for extra credit. The first is a minor assignment for participating in the Implicit Association Test from Harvard (or a similar test for bias) and reflecting on your findings. The second is a more intensive research paper discussing the historical context of social work. These assignments are extra credit and not mandatory. This description is for the more major assignment. Meta: Points 62.5 (10% of total points); Deadline Friday 12/02/22 at 11:55 PM; Completion via My Heritage Assignments (A–06b: [Extra Credit] Social Work Historical Context Research Paper) as an uploaded document. You can also see a PDF copy of the assignment instructions and rubric. Purpose: The Social Work Historical Context Research Paper allows students to dive into the literature on social work history. Task: Students will individually author a paper regarding some aspect of social work history. This is left intentionally broad to allow students to look at any element they want. Some potential suggestions include when and how various populations started engaging in social work (consider how social work historically related to Native Americans, persons with disabilities, or the start of social workers working in a school-based setting. The paper should be approximately 1,250 to 1,500 words in length. An abstract is not necessary for this paper but may be included. Success: Students will submit a paper demonstrating academic skills describing the historical context for social work through research found in peer-reviewed journal articles. They will be able to demonstrate scientific writing skills. Grades will be assessed using the APA Research Paper Rubric. Feedback will be provided with final grades due by the instructor no later than Wednesday 12/14/22 at 5:00 PM.](../deck-9326-large-2.jpeg)
Final Assignments Last Week of Class Assignment 05: Applying an Ethical Decision-Making Model Paper Meta: Points 100 points (16% of total points); Deadline Sunday 11/27/22; Friday 12/02/22 Completion via Anthology Portfolio (My Heritage Assignments A–05: Applying an Ethical Decision-Making Model Paper). You can find the Case Study for Final Paper and a PDF Version of these instructions with the rubric included. Purpose: The Applying an Ethical Decision-Making Model Paper allows students to display their skills in applying an ethical framework to a case study. Task: Students will work individually to author a final paper that is 750–1000 words in length. The final report should address the first four NASW Essential Steps to Ethical Problems Solving regarding the assigned case study (this can be accessed in the assignment description). Student papers should include headings (APA formats level one heading as bold, centered, and following a title case capitalization style) for each of the first four steps. These steps include: 1. DETERMINE whether there is an ethical issue or/and dilemma. Is there a conflict of values, rights, or professional responsibilities? 2. IDENTIFY the key values and principles involved. What meanings and limitations are typically attached to these competing values? 3. RANK the values or ethical principles that are most relevant to the issue or dilemma in your professional judgment. What reasons can you provide for prioritizing one competing value/principle over another? 4. DEVELOP an action plan consistent with the ethical priorities that have been determined as central to the dilemma. As appropriate, have you conferred with clients and colleagues about the potential risks and consequences of alternative courses of action? Can you support or justify your action plan with the values/principles on which the intervention is based? This assignment is a key assignment[1] for the program. It is designed to assess students’ ethical and professional behavior, the first competency described by the Council on Social Work Education. The following is the language used in the 2022 education and policy standards (EPAS): Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior Social workers understand the value base of the profession and its ethical standards, as well as relevant policies, laws, and regulations that may affect practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Social workers understand that ethics are informed by principles of human rights and apply them toward realizing social, racial, economic, and environmental justice in their practice. Social workers understand Assignment 06a: [Extra Credit] Bias Testing Reflective Paper The faculty for this course offers students two different opportunities for extra credit. The first is a minor assignment for participating in the Implicit Association Test from Harvard (or a similar test for bias) and reflecting on your findings. The second is a more intensive research paper discussing the historical context of social work. These assignments are extra credit and not mandatory. This description is for the more minor assignment. Meta: Points 31.25 (5% of total points); Deadline Friday 12/02/22 at 11:55 PM; Completion via My Heritage Assignments (A–06a: [Extra Credit] Bias Testing Reflective Paper) as an uploaded document. You can also see a copy of the assignment instructions and rubric. Purpose: The Bias Testing Reflective Paper provides an avenue for students to self-reflect on their own biases after completing a bias testing process. Task: Students will participate in Harvard’s Implicit Association Test and write a reflective paper 500 to 750 words in length. They will consider their experience with the test, their results, and what they might be able to learn from the experience. Success: Students will submit a paper demonstrating strong academic writing and self-reflective skills. Essays are graded according to the Reflective Paper Rubric. Feedback will be provided with final grades due by the instructor no later than Wednesday 12/14/22 at 5:00 PM. Assignment 06b: [Extra Credit] Social Work Historical Context Research Paper Instructions and Rubric The faculty for this course offers students two different opportunities for extra credit. The first is a minor assignment for participating in the Implicit Association Test from Harvard (or a similar test for bias) and reflecting on your findings. The second is a more intensive research paper discussing the historical context of social work. These assignments are extra credit and not mandatory. This description is for the more major assignment. Meta: Points 62.5 (10% of total points); Deadline Friday 12/02/22 at 11:55 PM; Completion via My Heritage Assignments (A–06b: [Extra Credit] Social Work Historical Context Research Paper) as an uploaded document. You can also see a PDF copy of the assignment instructions and rubric. Purpose: The Social Work Historical Context Research Paper allows students to dive into the literature on social work history. Task: Students will individually author a paper regarding some aspect of social work history. This is left intentionally broad to allow students to look at any element they want. Some potential suggestions include when and how various populations started engaging in social work (consider how social work historically related to Native Americans, persons with disabilities, or the start of social workers working in a school-based setting. The paper should be approximately 1,250 to 1,500 words in length. An abstract is not necessary for this paper but may be included. Success: Students will submit a paper demonstrating academic skills describing the historical context for social work through research found in peer-reviewed journal articles. They will be able to demonstrate scientific writing skills. Grades will be assessed using the APA Research Paper Rubric. Feedback will be provided with final grades due by the instructor no later than Wednesday 12/14/22 at 5:00 PM.

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