SOWK 487 Week 04 - Foundations for Groups Part II

A presentation at Heritage University in February 2022 by Jacob Campbell and is tagged with BASW Program, Heritage University, SOWK 487w

Portrait style photo of Jacob Campbell
Dr. Jacob Campbell

20 slides


Week four students read through chapters four, five, and six of the Garvin textbook. These include chapters focused on Brenton (2017) and empowerment perspective in groups, Barksy and Northern (2017) and ethics and values in group work, and finally, Ortega (2017) social justice practice. To start the class session, we will be completing an activity to demonstrate power dynamics, talk about empowerment perspective, and do an activity related to social justice.

The agenda for today includes looking at

  • Empowerment theory
  • Ethics and social justice


Barsky, A. E., & Northen, H. (2017). Chapter 05 - Ethics and values in group work. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky_Handbook of Social Work with Groups_ (pp. 74-93). The Guilford Press.

Breton, M. (2017). Chapter 04 - An empowerment perspective. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky_Handbook of Social Work with Groups_ (pp. 55-75). The Guilford Press.

Ortega, R. M. (2017). Chapter 06 - Group work and socially just practice. In C. D. Garvin, L. M. Gutierrez, & M. J. Galinsky_Handbook of Social Work with Groups_ (pp. 93-110). The Guilford Press.