The slide displays text: 'Practicum Seminar I, Week 05 for SOWK 590.1.' Below, it says 'Jacob Campbell, Ph.D. LICSW at Heritage University' on a plain white background.
The slide features an agenda and learning objectives. **Agenda:**- Plan for week 03- SLED: Restorative Justice Practices- Mindfulness activity- Practice Learning Reflection Group**Learning Objectives:**- Recognize peer experiences and use group problem-solving.- Analyze practicum experiences for competence development.- Engage in a mindfulness activity.- Consider Restorative Justice Practices.
Slide features text saying 'Student Led Discussion: Restorative Justice Practices,' set against a plain white background.
A slide titled 'Mindfulness Activity' displays a '5 Senses Activity' with numbers: 5 (see), 4 (hear), 3 (feel), 2 (smell), 1 (taste). The background is light with a pink sidebar.
Slide titled 'Practice Learning Reflection Group' lists discussion topics for practicum reflection and group norms. Topics include significant moments and client needs. Norms emphasize respect, open-minded dialogue, participation, and confidentiality.