Time: Wednesday’s from 5:30-8:15 Date: 01/13/21 Content: Theories of Practice II, Course Introduction; Course Syllabus Reading Assignment: N/A Due Dates:   A-01: Synchronous Class Engagement Attend class  A-02: Asynchronous Class Engagement Group Introduction due Sunday 01/17/21 at 11:55 PM via Flipgrid
[Whole Class Activity]  Watch a clip from the X-Files Video about a group therapy session for persons in a wheelchair. Start 6:21 End 8:38  The hope is with this class we will get the opportunity to learn how to deal with difficult situations in facilitating groups.
 Initial activity Discuss class Review syllabus
 I hope that you all had a wonderful break. Because this is a groups class, I try to introduce you guys to a number of group activities that you can use for groups yourselves. This is one:  Have people come and get as many or as few M&M’s as they so desire. Tell them to wait to eat them. -> Click Go through by color and have people answer based on the color of candy that they have. Questions as follows: Red: favorite activity done during break Green: favorite food eaten over the holidays Yellow: favorite movie or TV show Orange: tradition that is unique to your family Brown: something you are looking forward to this year Blue: wild cards
 I just want to bring back a reminder and thoughts about expectations.
 What we want to be able to do is come to a place where we are able to meet in the middle with out expectations… and that you’re happy and so am I.   Cooperative Arrangement  Break vs. leaving early Sharing the air   Nonnegotiable  Timeliness Participation High academic standards   Open / laid back Having fun
 I also wanted to spend a little bit of time talking about some of our online classroom norms.   The best way to make sure everybody has opportunities to participate (draw out what they think are some good ideas of how I can facilitate this class and the need for grace) Devices (use of a computer, not be driving) Chat and zoom functions (how to use it) Camera during class (preference is on, but understand when unable to… also discuss Zoom backgrounds)
Go section by section
 Course Description Course Purpose Relationship to Other Sequences and/or Other Courses
Textbook: Empowerment Series: Direct Social Work Practice Theory and Skills Helpful Resources  APA Style Guide OWL at Purdue Google Scholar Eagle Search
 Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice 4. Engage in Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice  Engage in Policy Practice Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 8. Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities  Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
 Lecture Role plays and practice opportunities Small group discussion Whole group discussion Group Activities
Assignment | Points | Percentage —- | —- | —- A-01: Synchronous Class Engagement and Attendance | 50 | 12.5% A-02: Asynchronous Class Engagement | 50 | 12.5% A-03a: Family Treatment Modality Research Paper | 100 | 25% A-03b: Family Treatment Modality Research Presentation | 100 | 25% A-04: Research Paper to Inform Group Practice | 100 | 25% TOTAL | 400 | 100% A-05a [EC]: Group Participation Reflective Paper | 20 | 5% A-05b [EC]: Evidence-Based Practices for Culturally Competent Social Work | 40 | 10%
Who’s information is this?
 Attendance  Grading Being responsible (professionalism EPAS 1.1)   Library  Toppanish info   Credit Hour Requirements  Framework to give an idea about what to expect with a course.   Campus Security & Safety  Contact information Snow days   Accommodation Policy  Options and help available
 Importance of reaching out Best ways to get ahold of me
 How I use them Scoring Feedback
Don’t forget to read, Send me your contact info, and do you your flipgrid video