Fall 2022 SOWK 430 Week 11 - Stages of Moral Development

Stages of Moral Development Fall 2022 SOWK 430 Week 11 Jacob Campbell, LICSW at Heritage University

Stage of Moral Development (Kohlberg, 1971) Stage 6 Universal ethical-principle orientation Post-Conventional, Autonomous, or Stage 5 Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Social-contract legalistic orientation “Law and order” orientation Interpersonal concordance or “good boy - nice girl” orientation Instrumental relativist orientation Punishment and obedience orientation Principled Level Conventional Level Prevconvential Level

Stage of Moral Development (Kohlberg, 1971) Post-Conventional, Stage 6 Autonomous, or Principled Level Conventional Level Prevconvential Level Stage 5 Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Universal ethicalprinciple orientation Social-contract legalistic orientation “Law and order” orientation Interpersonal concordance or “good boy - nice girl” orientation Instrumental relativist orientation Punishment and obedience orientation

Stage of Moral Development (Kohlberg, 1971, p. 87) Post-Conventional, Stage 6 Autonomous, or Principled Level Conventional Level Prevconvential Level Stage 5 Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2 Universal ethicalprinciple orientation Stage 1 Punishment and obedience orientation Social-contract legalistic orientation “Law and order” orientation Interpersonal concordance or “good boy - nice girl” orientation Instrumental relativist orientation The physical consequences of action determine its goodness or badness regardless of the human meaning or value of these consequences. Avoidance of punishment and unquestioning deference to power are valued in their own right.

Stage of Moral Development (Kohlberg, 1971, p. 87) Post-Conventional, Stage 6 Autonomous, or Principled Level Conventional Level Stage 5 Stage 4 Stage 3 Universal ethicalprinciple orientation Social-contract legalistic orientation “Law and order” orientation Interpersonal concordance or “good boy - nice girl” orientation Prevconvential Level fi Stage 1 Punishment and obedience orientation Stage 2 Instrumental relativist orientation Right action consists of that which instrumentally satis es one’s own needs and occasionally the needs of others. Human relations are viewed in terms similar to those of the market place. Elements of fairness, of reciprocity, and equal sharing are present, but they are always interpreted in a physical pragmatic way. Reciprocity is a matter of “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours,” not of loyalty, gratitude, or justice.

Stage of Moral Development (Kohlberg, 1971, p. 87) Post-Conventional, Stage 6 Autonomous, or Principled Level Conventional Stage 5 Stage 4 Universal ethicalprinciple orientation Prevconvential fi Level Stage 1 “good boy - nice girl” orientation Social-contract legalistic orientation “Law and order” orientation Level Stage 2 Stage 3 Interpersonal concordance or Instrumental relativist orientation Punishment and obedience orientation Good behaviour is that which pleases or helps others and is approved by them. There is much conformity to stereotypical images of what is majority or “natural” behaviour. Behaviour is frequently judged by intention: “he means well” becomes important for the rst time. One earns approval by being “nice.”

fi Stage of Moral Development (Kohlberg, 1971, p. 87) Post-Conventional, Stage 6 Autonomous, or Principled Level Stage 5 Universal ethicalprinciple orientation Prevconvential Level Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 orientation Social-contract legalistic orientation Conventional Level Stage 4 “Law and order” Interpersonal concordance or “good boy - nice girl” orientation Instrumental relativist orientation Punishment and obedience orientation There is orientation toward authority, xed rules, and the maintenance of the social order. Right behaviour consists of doing one’s duty, showing respect for authority, and maintaining the given social order for its own sake.

Stage of Moral Development (Kohlberg, 1971, pp. 87-88) Post-Conventional, Stage 6 Autonomous, or Universal ethicalprinciple orientation Principled Level Conventional Level Prevconvential fi Level Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 “Law and order” orientation Interpersonal concordance or “good boy - nice girl” orientation Instrumental relativist orientation Punishment and obedience orientation Stage 5 Social-contract legalistic orientation Generally, this stage has utilitarian overtones. Right action tends to be de ned in terms of general individual rights and in terms of standards that have been critically examined and agreed upon by the whole society. There is a clear awareness of the relativism of personal values and opinions and a corresponding emphasis on procedural rules for reaching consensus.

Stage of Moral Development (Kohlberg, 1971, p. 88) Stage 6 Post-Conventional, Autonomous, or Principled Level Conventional Level Prevconvential fi Level Stage 5 Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Social-contract legalistic orientation “Law and order” orientation Interpersonal concordance or “good boy - nice girl” orientation Instrumental relativist orientation Punishment and obedience orientation Universal ethicalprinciple orientation Right is de ned by the decision of conscience in accord with self-chosen ethical principles appealing to logical comprehensiveness, universality, and consistency. These principles are abstract and ethical (the Golden Rule, the categorical imperative); they are not concrete moral rules like the Ten Commandments. At heart, these are universal principles of justice, of the reciprocity and equality of human rights and of respect for the dignity of human beings as individual persons.

Stage of Moral Development (Kohlberg, 1971) Post-Conventional, Stage 6 Autonomous, or Principled Level Conventional Level Prevconvential Level Stage 5 Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Universal ethicalprinciple orientation Social-contract legalistic orientation “Law and order” orientation Interpersonal concordance or “good boy - nice girl” orientation Instrumental relativist orientation Punishment and obedience orientation

A-04: Ethical Decision-Making Case Study Group Chat Group Assignments • Group 1 (Tar, Hselhsel, Jhow, Maria) • Group 2 (Diana, Amanda, Daniela, Kayla) • Group 3 (Ale, Amber, Kareli, Monique) • Group 4 (Yatzire, Aylin, Jessica) • Group 5 (Elizabeth, Amairani, Dianne) • Group 6 (MT, Isai, Antonio)

Reading The Function of Ethics and The Problem of Pseudo-Ethics (pp. 1-18)

Case Studies Essential Steps for Ethical Problem-Solving • Whistle Blowing • Bartering for Services • Managing Client Fraud

Reference Kohlberg, L. (1971). Chapter 1 - Stages of moral development as a basis for moral education. In C. Beck, B. Crittenden, & E. Sullivan (Eds.), Moral education: Interdisciplinary approaches (pp. 23-92). University of Toronto Press. Paul, R., & Elder, L. (2006). The thinker’s guide to understanding the foundations of ethical reasoning: Based on critical thinking concepts & tools (2nd ed.). Foundation for Critical Thinking.