Helping Understand Balance: Using the Holistic Wellness Wheel as a Tool for Practice and Assessment

A presentation at Heritage University in April 2024 by Jacob Campbell and is tagged with Faculty Presentation, Heritage University

Portrait style photo of Jacob Campbell
Dr. Jacob Campbell

16 slides


This presentation aims to act as a teaching demonstration for Jacob Campbell and his application for a faculty position at Heritage University in their Masters of Social Work Program.

For this session, we will examine a tool, a wellness wheel, that can be used with clients. This activity can help social workers understand the problems their clients are facing and develop insight for clients themselves. We will examine the history of this tool, primarily as its development was based, whether knowingly or not, on Indigenous teachings and practices.

An example of this tool is available as a handout. The agenda is as follows:

  • Getting settled in our discussion
  • Examining the historical context of a practice
  • Completing individual wellness wheel

The learning objectives include:

  • Experience a demonstration of teaching strategies
  • Describe a medicine wheel and its context and history related to the tool being shared
  • Engage in self-reflection areas of my life related to the whole
  • Basic understanding of using the wellness wheel and how it helps develop insight