Theories of Practice II, Course Introduction

Time: Wednesday’s from 5:30-8:15
Date: 01/13/21 Content: Theories of Practice II, Course Introduction; Course Syllabus Reading Assignment: N/A Due Dates:
- A-01: Synchronous Class Engagement Attend class
- A-02: Asynchronous Class Engagement Group Introduction due Sunday 01/17/21 at 11:55 PM via Flipgrid
![[Whole Class Activity] Watch a clip from the X-Files Video about a group therapy session for persons in a wheelchair. Start 6:21 End 8:38 The hope is with this class we will get the opportunity to learn how to deal with difficult situations in facilitating groups.](../deck-6222-large-1.jpeg)
[Whole Class Activity] Watch a clip from the X-Files Video about a group therapy session for persons in a wheelchair.
Start 6:21 End 8:38
The hope is with this class we will get the opportunity to learn how to deal with difficult situations in facilitating groups.

- Initial activity
- Discuss class
- Review syllabus

I hope that you all had a wonderful break. Because this is a groups class, I try to introduce you guys to a number of group activities that you can use for groups yourselves. This is one:
Have people come and get as many or as few M&M’s as they so desire. Tell them to wait to eat them.
-> Click
Go through by color and have people answer based on the color of candy that they have. Questions as follows:
Red: favorite activity done during break Green: favorite food eaten over the holidays Yellow: favorite movie or TV show Orange: tradition that is unique to your family Brown: something you are looking forward to this year Blue: wild cards

I just want to bring back a reminder and thoughts about expectations.

What we want to be able to do is come to a place where we are able to meet in the middle with out expectations… and that you’re happy and so am I.
- Cooperative Arrangement
- Break vs. leaving early
- Sharing the air
- Nonnegotiable
- Timeliness
- Participation
- High academic standards
- Open / laid back
- Having fun

I also wanted to spend a little bit of time talking about some of our online classroom norms.
- The best way to make sure everybody has opportunities to participate (draw out what they think are some good ideas of how I can facilitate this class and the need for grace)
- Devices (use of a computer, not be driving)
- Chat and zoom functions (how to use it)
- Camera during class (preference is on, but understand when unable to… also discuss Zoom backgrounds)

Go section by section

- Course Description
- Course Purpose
- Relationship to Other Sequences and/or Other Courses

Textbook: Empowerment Series: Direct Social Work Practice Theory and Skills
Helpful Resources
- APA Style Guide
- OWL at Purdue
- Google Scholar
- Eagle Search

- Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior
- Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice
- Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice 4. Engage in Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice
- Engage in Policy Practice
- Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
- Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 8. Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
- Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

- Lecture
- Role plays and practice opportunities
- Small group discussion
- Whole group discussion
- Group Activities
![Assignment | Points | Percentage —- | —- | —- A-01: Synchronous Class Engagement and Attendance | 50 | 12.5% A-02: Asynchronous Class Engagement | 50 | 12.5% A-03a: Family Treatment Modality Research Paper | 100 | 25% A-03b: Family Treatment Modality Research Presentation | 100 | 25% A-04: Research Paper to Inform Group Practice | 100 | 25% TOTAL | 400 | 100% A-05a [EC]: Group Participation Reflective Paper | 20 | 5% A-05b [EC]: Evidence-Based Practices for Culturally Competent Social Work | 40 | 10%](../deck-6222-large-12.jpeg)
Assignment | Points | Percentage —- | —- | —- A-01: Synchronous Class Engagement and Attendance | 50 | 12.5% A-02: Asynchronous Class Engagement | 50 | 12.5% A-03a: Family Treatment Modality Research Paper | 100 | 25% A-03b: Family Treatment Modality Research Presentation | 100 | 25% A-04: Research Paper to Inform Group Practice | 100 | 25% TOTAL | 400 | 100% A-05a [EC]: Group Participation Reflective Paper | 20 | 5% A-05b [EC]: Evidence-Based Practices for Culturally Competent Social Work | 40 | 10%

Who’s information is this?

- Attendance
- Grading
- Being responsible (professionalism EPAS 1.1)
- Library
- Toppanish info
- Credit Hour Requirements
- Framework to give an idea about what to expect with a course.
- Campus Security & Safety
- Contact information
- Snow days
- Accommodation Policy
- Options and help available

- Importance of reaching out
- Best ways to get ahold of me

- How I use them
- Scoring
- Feedback

Don’t forget to read, Send me your contact info, and do you your flipgrid video